Ankur Handa

Ankur Handa is currently a research scientist in the NVIDIA Seattle Robotics group led by Dieter Fox. Before that, he was a research scientist at OpenAI, and before that he was a Dyson Fellow at Imperial College London. He finished his Ph.D. with Prof. Andrew Davison at Imperial College London and did a two-year post-doc with Prof. Roberto Cipolla at the University of Cambridge. His papers have won Best Industry Paper Award at BMVC, in 2014 and have been the Best Manipulation Paper Award Finalist and Best Student Paper Award Finalist at ICRA 2019.
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Posts by Ankur Handa


Reinforcing the Value of Simulation by Teaching Dexterity to a Real Robot Hand

The human hand is one of the most remarkable outcomes of millions of years of evolution. The ability to pick up all sorts of objects and use them as tools is a... 7 MIN READ