Aayush Prakash

Aayush Prakash is a senior researcher at the Toronto AI Lab, NVIDIA. His research interests lie at the juncture of machine learning, computer vision, and computer graphics. Specifically, he works on sim-to-real problems for perception. He wants to train effective real world models from simulation. Prior to NVIDIA, he was part of IBM Labs, Toronto, where he worked on compilers, another area he's been interested in the past. He graduated with a B.Tech in electronics and electrical communication engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India, in 2010, and MASc in computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2013.
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Posts by Aayush Prakash

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Sim2SG: Generating Sim-to-Real Scene Graphs for Transfer Learning

Scene graphs (SGs) in both computer vision and computer graphics are an interpretable and structural representation of scenes. A scene graph summarizes entities... 5 MIN READ