Nsight Graphics 2019.2
NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics 2019.2 is released with the following changes:
- Feature Enhancement: Range Profiler
- Vulkan Support - Inspect GPU performance metrics for whole perfmarker regimes, render passes, and single events
- DXR BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure calls can now be profiled
- New Range Profiler Preview
- Configure sections to customize the profiling experience
- Introduce rules to create warnings based on GPU performance counter values within the configurable Range Profiler
- Feature Enhancement: Nsight Aftermath (Beta)
- DXR Support - Trace GPU hangs or crashes back to the specific DXR shader
- Feature Enhancement: GPU Trace
- D3D12 Fence visualization - View Waits and Signals in the new Synchronization row
- Feature Enhancement: Acceleration Structure Viewer
- Configure camera speed and camera orientation
- Visualize geometry setup flags by utilizing highlight-based filtering
- AABB and bounding box visualization
- Feature Enhancement: API Inspector
- Event number and performance markers are now visible in the API inspector for greater event context
- Trimmed D3D11 and D3D12 strings in the API inspector to increase information density
- New Support: D3D12 Meshlets NVAPI
- added support for Mesh Shaders in D3D12 via NVAPI
- New Feature: Feedback Button
- Integrated a feedback button into Nsight Graphics to make sending comments, bugs, and feature requests easier
- Improved:
- Running Steam games with Nsight Graphics on Linux is now much easier with new injection method
Known Issues
- Running GPU Trace with elevated privileges and restrictive GPU counter access will cause a the target application to crash. To work around this issue, please set GPU counter access to permissive in the NVIDIA control panel.
- Nsight Aftermath DXR support will be fully enabled with the mid-April release of the NVIDIA graphics driver
For more details and known issues, please see the full release notes!
For an overview of Nsight™ Graphics and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight™ Graphics page.
NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics 2019.2 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.