Holly Wilper

Holly Wilper is a Manager in System Software Tools at NVIDIA. Her team develops tools focused on helping you be more efficient and effective at harnessing the power of GPUs. For the last 19 years she has worked on a wide variety of developer tools focused on parallel computing and HPC environments including compilers, profilers, and correctness tools. Holly is a graduate of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Posts by Holly Wilper

컨테이너 및 클라우드에서 NVIDIA Nsight 시스템 사용하기

프로그래머가 필요한 모든 시스템을 ‘소유’할 것으로 예상되던 시대는 이미 지났습니다. 최신 연산 작업은 공유 시스템, 클라우드 또는 사용자 또는… 9 MIN READ