Davide Onofrio

Davide Onofrio is a Senior Deep Learning Software Technical Marketing Engineer at NVIDIA. He is focused on development and presentation of deep learning technical developer focused-content at NVIDIA. Davide has several years of experience working as a computer vision and machine learning engineer in Biometrics, VR and Automotive industry. His educational background includes a PhD in signal processing at the Politecnico di Milano.

Posts by Davide Onofrio

음성 AI 애플리케이션용 GPU 가속 SDK인 NVIDIA Riva를 소개합니다

음성 AI는 콜센터 업무 지원, 가상 어시스턴트의 음성 인터페이스, 화상 회의 중 실시간 자막 등 다양한 애플리케이션에 활용됩니다. 4 MIN READ