Explore and learn from Jetson resources created our by our community. These have been created for Jetson developer kits. For more platform and design documentation, please visit our Support Resources page.

Jetson Nano

Create your own image for Jetson Nano board


This article will guide you step by step to create a minimalist Ubuntu based image for your NVIDIA Jetson nano board that best suits your project.

Jetson Nano


Jon Watte

GPIO addresses are physical memory addresses, and a regular process runs in a virtual memory address. You need to arrange for those physical addresses to show up as know virtual addresses in the address space of the process, OR you need to run in kernel space in some mode that uses physical addressing (not generally recommended or even always possible.) Using GPIO through sysfs (the /sys/class/gpio "files") is clearly simpler for a user-level program, but also incurs the system call overhead for each operation on each GPIO pin, so for code with very low latency requirements, that may not work out so well.

Jetson Nano

Getting Started with the NVIDIA Jetson Nano

DroneBot Workshop

Today we will look at the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit, a low-cost platform for developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. I’ll show you how to get started with the Jetson Nano.

Jetson Nano

Getting Started with Jetson Nano

Adrian Rosebrock, PyImageSearch

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get started with your NVIDIA Jetson Nano, including: First boot Installing system packages and prerequisites Configuring your Python development environment Installing Keras and TensorFlow on the Jetson Nano Changing the default camera Classification and object detection with the Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano

Deploy GPU-enabled Kubernetes Pod on NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Jerry Liang

NVIDIA Jetson Nano delivered GPU power in an amazingly small package. I finally got mine in the mailbox and couldn’t wait to add it to my Raspberry Pi K8s cluster to take up GPU workload. It turned out however, I had to jump through a couple of hoops to get it working. In this blog post, I will walk through the steps needed and hope it will help you to get it working.


Serial Console

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

A Serial Console is a useful tool for embedded development, remote access, and those times when the development kit has issues that you need to observe.

Jetson Nano

Run on USB Drive

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

Using a USB Drive as the root file system on a Jetson Nano Developer Kit provides many advantages, including faster disk access and more storage.

Jetson Nano


Tsutomu Furuse

Real-time plot of temperatures from NVIDIA Jetson on-module thermal sensors. This script is tested on NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit only.

Jetson Nano

Jetson Build Assistant Scripts


After you download lots of files through JetPack-L4T-xxx-linux-x64-yyy.run or sdkmanager, you need to download toolchains, kernel source code, in addition to shortcuts for building code, flash images, etc. These scripts set up development environments and provide handy commands.

Jetson Nano

Jetson Fan Control

Marc Uecker

Automagic fan control for the Nvidia Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano


Daisuke Sato

SPI1 enabled DTS and flash-tools for Jetson Nano

Jetson AGX Xavier



A straightforward C/C++ library to interface with NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Development Kit GPIO pins.

Jetson Nano

Run Jetson Nano on USB Drive

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

You can setup your Jetson Nano to run from a USB Drive in less than 10 minutes! This update video saves 45 minutes from our previous method.

Jetson AGX Xavier


An Nguyen

Tools and scripts to enable canbus on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier.

Jetson Nano


Jordan Ford

jetson_clocks.hpp is a single header C++ library for controlling the various power states of the NVidia Jetson Nano, Jetson TX1, Jetson TX2(i), and Jetson AGX Xavier.

Jetson Nano Jetson TX2 Jetson AGX Xavier

Ubuntu Core for Jetson TX1/TX2/Nano/Xavier

Alfonso Sánchez-Beato

This repository contains scripts to create a tarball with all what is needed to flash Ubuntu Core 18 in a Jetson TX1/TX2/Nano/Xavier device.

Jetson Nano


Jon Watte

GPIO addresses are physical memory addresses, and a regular process runs in a virtual memory address. You need to arrange for those physical addresses to show up as known virtual addresses in the address space of the process, OR run in kernel space in a mode that uses physical addressing (not generally recommended or even always possible). GPIO through sysfs is clearly simpler for a user-level program, but also incurs the system call overhead for each operation on each GPIO pin.

Jetson Nano


Vladimir Sazonov

This is a modified jw-boot-logo for creation bmp.blob for JetsonNano. You must have lz4c installed for use this

Jetson Nano Jetson TX1 Jetson TX2 Jetson AGX Xavier


torch2trt is a PyTorch to TensorRT converter which utilizes the TensorRT Python API. The converter is:

  • Easy to use - Convert modules with a single function call torch2trt
  • Easy to extend - Write your own layer converter in Python and register it with @tensorrt_converter
Jetson Nano Jetson TX1 Jetson TX2 Jetson AGX Xavier

TensorRT Pose Estimation

John Welsh, NVIDIA

This project features multi-instance pose estimation accelerated by NVIDIA TensorRT. It is ideal for applications where low latency is necessary. It includes

  • Training scripts to train on any keypoint task data in MSCOCO format
  • A collection of models that may be easily optimized with TensorRT using torch2trt

This project can be used easily for the task of human pose estimation, or extended for something new. If you run into any issues please let us know.

Jetson Nano Jetson TX1 Jetson TX2 Jetson AGX Xavier

Deploying Deep Learning

Dustin Franklin, NVIDIA

Guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson. This repo uses NVIDIA TensorRT for efficiently deploying neural networks onto the embedded Jetson platform, improving performance and power efficiency using graph optimizations, kernel fusion, and FP16/INT8 precision.

Jetson Nano Jetson TX1 Jetson TX2 Jetson AGX Xavier

TensorRT Python Sample for Object Detection

Aasta Lin, NVIDIA

Python sample for referencing object detection model with TensorRT. Performance includes memcpy and inference.

Jetson Nano

DeepSpeech for Jetson Nano

Dominik (domcross)

Wheels for tensorflow and DeepSpeech compiled for NVidia Jetson Nano (arm64) tensorflow 1.14.1 with Cuda 10.0 and GPU 5.3 support

Jetson TX2



Installing Caffe v1 official release from BVLC in embedded device NVIDIA Jetson TX2 8GB with JetPack L4T 4.2 as updated as August 2019 release.

Jetson Nano

How to deploy ONNX models on NVIDIA Jetson Nano using DeepStream

Bharath Raj

Deploying complex deep learning models onto small embedded devices is challenging. Even with toptimized hardware optimized for deep learning such as the Jetson Nano and inference optimization tools such as TensorRT, bottlenecks can still [appear] in the I/O pipeline. [...] Wouldn’t it be great to have a tool that can take care of all bottlenecks in an end-to-end fashion?

Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano: Vision Recognition Neural Network Demo

Christopher Barnatt, ExplainingComputers.com

Jetson Nano performing vision recognition on a live video stream using a deep neural network (DNN). This video is based on the "Hello AI World" demo provided by NVIDIA for their Jetson boards, and employs a Raspberry Pi V2 camera.

Jetson Nano



This is a ROS wrapper for publishing Apriltag with Jetson Nano and RPI camera through CSI. It is truly easy to use.

Jetson Nano

Jetbot ROS2 Package

Richard Osterloh

Using this package, set your JetBot to use ROS2 Dashing, grant user access to the i2c bus and enable teleop.

Jetson Nano Jetson TX2 Jetson AGX Xavier


Thien Nguyen

Modified version of ORB-SLAM2 with GPU enhancement and several ROS topics for NVIDIA Jetson. Currently only supports Monocular camera. Run in real time.

Jetson Nano


Jiang Wei

Enable L4T Multimedia API for ffmpeg support on Jetson Nano.

Jetson Nano Jetson TX2


Maoxu Li

Darknet YOLO, ROS, gstreamer/gscam, CSI camera, Jetson TX2/Nano, Raspberry PI.

Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano + Raspberry Pi Camera

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

Since the introduction of the first Jetson in 2014, one of the most requested features has been Raspberry Pi camera support. The Jetson Nano has built in support, no finagling required. This guide shows you how.

Jetson Nano

NVIDIA Deepstream + Azure IoT Edge on a NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Azure Samples

Perform real-time video analytics, running deep neural networks with NVIDIA Deepstream on a Jetson Nano device connected to Azure via Azure IoT Edge. DeepStream SDK is a must-have tool whenever you have complex video analytics requirements; whether it's real-time or with cascading AI models. IoT Edge gives you the possibility to run this pipeline next to your cameras, thus lowering your bandwitch costs and enabling scenarios with poor internet connectivity or privacy concerns.

Jetson Nano

Getting Started with ZED stereo camera on Jetson Nano


How can a robot be autonomous without perceiving the world? The ZED and ZED Mini 3D depth cameras are the ideal companions for a Jetson Nano and ROS-powered robot.

Jetson Nano

CircuitPython Libraries on Linux and the NVIDIA Jetson Nano

M. LeBlanc-Williams, Adafruit

Make hardware and interface with sensors super easy using CircuitPython. CircuitPython adds the Circuit part to the Python part. Letting you program in Python and talk to Circuitry like sensors, motors, and LEDs!

Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano + Intel Wifi and Bluetooth

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

The NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit does not include a wifi module. Fortunately there is a connector to easily add one! The connector is M.2 Key E, located underneath the Jetson Nano Module.

Jetson Nano

You Too Can Have a Sub-$200 .11ax Client (Using Jetson Nano)

John Kilpatrick

"I know that some of us right now have 802.11ax-capable APs. But having APs with no clients isn’t fun, and for testing (and fun) having a real AX client or two is awesome. If you get two of them you have a chance of seeing OFDMA over the air. […] when I saw how the Jetson Nano has an M.2 slot it got me thinking. The 8265 works well with it but we wondered about getting the AX200 to work. Turns out it was pretty easy."

Jetson Nano

Use More Power!

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

You need to get all the power out of your Jetson Nano Developer Kit.

Jetson Nano

Use More Memory!

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

The NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit has 4 GB of main memory. This may not enough memory for running many of the large deep learning models, or compiling very large programs. Let’s fix that! We are going to install a swapfile.

Jetson Nano

Automount Drive

Jim Benson, JetsonHacks

There are times when you need to have your external drives mounted when the Jetson Nano boots. Let’s go over it!

Jetson Nano

Jetson Nano Kinect2 Python

Joev Valdivia

These are the steps I took to get the Kinect2 to run on Jetson Nano. These steps will let you run the Kinect2 in C++ and Python.