
The nvm_ide_sci application can be used for stream decoding. Decoded frames can be saved to an output YUV file. This section provides several usage scenarios.

To perform decoding without saving decoded output

Enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264

The command starts decoding the disney.264 H.264 stream and does not save the output YUV to a file.

To perform decoding and save decoded output

Enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264 -s disney_out.yuv

The command starts decoding the disney.264 H.264 stream and saves the decoded frames to the disney_out.yuv file.

To specify the number of frames to decode

To specify the number of frames to decode, enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264 -n 100

This example decodes the first 100 frames from the disney.264 file without saving the output to a file.

To specify the number of times to decode the frames, enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264 -l 10

This example decodes disney.264 ten times.

To generate CRC for decoded YUV

Enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264 -crc gen -crcpath disney_PitchLinear_Ref_CRC.txt

This example decodes the stream disney.264 and generates CRC of the decoded YUV, and then saves it in the file disney_PitchLinear_Ref_CRC.txt.

To check CRC for decoded YUV against a reference CRC

Enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264 -crc chk -crcpath disney_PitchLinear_Ref_CRC.txt

This example decodes the stream disney.264, computes CRC of the decoded YUV, and compares it with the reference CRC disney_PitchLinear_Ref_CRC.txt. It prints if the CRC matches the reference. If there is a mismatch, then the decoding is incorrect.

To get the decode timing information

Enter this command:

./nvm_ide_sci -c 4 -f disney.264 -prof

This example decodes the stream disney.264 and prints information about the average time taken per frame and the total time taken for the sequence.