NvMedia IJPD - JPEG Decode (nvm_ijpd_sci)

The NvMedia IJPD application, nvm_ijpd_sci, demonstrates how to decode a set of JPEG bitstreams into uncompressed image surfaces using NvMedia IJPD APIs. It parses the command line with required parameter sets for the JPEG decoder, including the following:

  • Input bitstream file name
  • Output file name
  • Output resolution
  • Output format, etc.

It then reads the input bitstream file into the local buffer frame by frame and sends the information to the NvMedia IJPD. It saves the resulting image surfaces into the output YUV file.

The application also supports CRC generation and CRC checking modes. CRC generation is primarily for developers to provide a golden/reference CRC that can be used during verification. The CRC values can vary for different Tegra chip versions. CRC checking mode is for quality assurance to verify the application for new releases.

The following diagram describes the basic function flow.