Step 1: Querying Platform Configuration

First, use the SIPL Query component through the INvSIPLQuery interface to get a list of supported platform configurations. A platform configuration is structure (a struct) that lists properties of external devices and how they are connected to the platform. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Device I2C addresses
  • Image properties (frame rate, data type, image size, etc.)
  • Deserializer MIPI properties (PHY mode, number of lanes, etc.)
  • Which camera modules are connected to which CSI brick

This information is returned in the form of a list of PlatformCfg structs. Choose the PlatformCfg struct that reflects the current configuration. It is not strictly necessary to use the SIPL Query component, and the PlatformCfg struct may be obtained by other means, or even hard coded into the application.