SIPL Query

The SIPL Query component implements the INvSIPLQuery interface and is contained in the shared library It maintains a database of supported external image devices and their properties. It also maintains a database of platform configurations. The database contains the following types of objects:

Database Object Type



An object that stores the settings for an image sensor external device.


An object that stores the settings for an EEPROM external device.


An object that stores the settings for a GMSL serializer external device.


An object that stores the properties for a camera module external device. This consists of one SerInfo object, zero or more EEPROMInfo objects, and zero or more SensorInfo objects.


An object that stores the settings for a GMSL deserializer external device.


An object that describes all external devices that are attached to the CSI ports of the SoC. This includes which DeserInfo objects are to be used for each camera group, and which CameraModuleInfo objects are to be used.

SIPL Query provides API calls to:

  • Parse the default database
  • Get information about all devices supported by the library
  • Get a list of all supported platform configurations
  • Retrieve a specific platform configuration by name
  • Parse a user-provided platform_config.json file to override the PlatformCfg structs in the SIPL Query database
  • Apply a mask to enable only specific deserializer links in a specific platform configuration