Requirements for Your Development Environment

Getting Started

Follow these high-level steps to set up your development environment – host machine and target DRIVE AGX Developer Kit:

  1. Verify you meet the system requirements for installing software on your DRIVE AGX Developer Kit.

  2. Review the Important Installation Information section.

  3. Review other important documentation, such as:

    • DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1) Release Notes

  4. Download SDK Manager.

  5. Finally, review the SDK Manager installation section of this guide to install DRIVE OS with DriveWorks on your host machine, and flash the target device.


    As an alternative to steps 4 and 5 above, try the DRIVE OS Docker containers on NVIDIA GPU Cloud. For more information, see the section on NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC).  

System Requirements

 Category   Requirement 

Host Machine 





Free Disk Space 

A minimum of 70GB and up to 120GB (during flash) free disk space on the system volume is needed for each full (host and target) deployed SDK version.


X11 must be enabled on the host.

Graphics Driver 

The most recent graphics driver for your GPU needs to be installed on the host system. To update your driver, use one of the following methods: 

WARNING: Do not mix both the download and apt-get methods, as this is not supported.

The CUDA version and minimum Linux x86_64 graphics driver for the DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev.1) release is:

 CUDA Toolkit     Linux x86_64 Driver Version  
 CUDA 11.4.17    >=470.129.06  
Docker The minimum required version of Docker Engine to run DRIVE OS Linux Docker containers is 19.03.

Target Device 

The following supported development platform:

Additional Hardware 

USB micro and C cables to connect the host machine to the target. See the DRIVE AGX Orin Hardware Quickstart Guide for more information.

Optional NVIDIA Docker Container Toolkit

Important Installation Information

In order to verify that networking is properly configured for the DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit, please review the DRIVE AGX board setup information found in the DRIVE AGX Orin Hardware Quickstart Guide.


For troubleshooting support, refer to your support engineer or post your questions onto the NVIDIA Developer Forum.