The AO-TAG register is programmed in the MB1, which controls the maximum temperature at which Tegra platform is allowed to operate. If the temperature exceeds that limit, an automatic shutdown is triggered.

AOTag Control Fields


Configuration Example


Boot temperature threshold in millicentigrade. If temperature is higher than the temperature specified in this field, MB1 waits or shuts down the device.

aotag.boot_temp_threshold = 105000;


Cool down temperature threshold in millicentigrade. MB1 resumes booting when the device has cooled to this threshold temperature.

aotag.cooldown_temp_threshold = 85000;


If set to 1, enables shutdown using aotag if temperature is above boot temperature threshold.

aotag.enable_shutdown = 1;

The clock control fields in the following table hold the clock divider values for the various modules that MB1 programs.

Clock Control Fields


Configuration Example


Program the cpu nic divider to control the BPMP CPU frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.bpmp_cpu_nic_divider = 1;


Program the apb divider to control the APB bus frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.bpmp_apb_divider = 1;


Program the axi_cbb divider to control the AXI-CBB bus frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.axi_cbb_divider = 1;


Program the se divider to control the SE Controller frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.se_divider = 1;


Program the cpu_nic divider to control the AON(SPE) CPU frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.aon_cpu_nic_divider = 1;


Program the apb divider to control the AON(SPE) APB frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.aon_apb_divider = 1;


Program the can0 divider to control the CAN0 controller frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.aon_can0_divider = 1;


Program the can1 divider to control the CAN1 controller frequency.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.aon_can1_divider = 1;





Program the P value of PLL-AON.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.pllaon_divp = 2;


Program the N value of PLL-AON.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.pllaon_divn = 25;


Program the M value of PLL-AON.

A value 1 less than the value in the field is directly written to the register.

clock.pllaon_divm = 1;