Defines Point Cloud ICP module to align point clouds using iterative closest point algorithms.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_bindInput (const dwPointCloud *sourcePCD, const dwPointCloud *targetPCD, const dwTransformation3f *sourceToTarget, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Binds input buffers of a source and a target point clouds as well as a buffer with an initial transformation. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_bindOutput (dwTransformation3f *pose, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Binds an output buffer to the resulting transformation between a source and a target point clouds. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_getCUDAStream (cudaStream_t *stream, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Gets CUDA stream of point cloud icp. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_getDefaultParams (dwPointCloudICPParams *params) |
| Gets default values of dwPointCloudICPParams object. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_getLastResultStats (dwPointCloudICPResultStats *resultStats, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Get statistics about latest point cloud ICP run, returns the costs for last pose (see a description of 'dwPointCloudICPResultStats' for details) More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_getMaximumDepthMapSize (uint32_t *maxDepthMapSize) |
| Get the maximum allowed size of the depth map in number of points supported by the ICP implementation. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_initialize (dwPointCloudICPHandle_t *obj, const dwPointCloudICPParams *params, dwContextHandle_t ctx) |
| Initializes point cloud icp. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_process (dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Estimates the transformation aligns two PointClouds. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_release (dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Releases a handle of a point cloud icp created using 'dwPointCloudICP_initialize'. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_reset (dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Resets pointers to the source, target point clouds and an output pose to a null pointer value. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_setConvergenceCriteriaCallback (dwPointCloudICPConvergenceCheck callback, void *userData, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Allows to set a user-defined callback to be executed for ICP convergence test. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_setConvergenceTolerance (float32_t angleTol, float32_t distanceTol, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Set tolerances used by the default ICP convergence criteria method. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_setCUDAStream (cudaStream_t const stream, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Sets CUDA stream of point cloud icp. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwPointCloudICP_setMaxIterations (uint16_t maxIterations, dwPointCloudICPHandle_t obj) |
| Set maximum number of iterations which need to be executed. More...
◆ dwPointCloudICPParams
struct dwPointCloudICPParams |
Data Fields |
float32_t |
angleConvergenceTol |
Angle convergence tolerance, change in radians between two consecutive iteration steps. |
dwVector2ui |
depthmapSize |
If icpType is DW_POINT_CLOUD_ICP_TYPE_DEPTH_MAP, this defines the size of depthmap. |
float32_t |
distanceConvergenceTol |
Distance convergence tolerance, change in units between two consecutive iteration steps. |
dwPointCloudICPType |
icpType |
Type of the ICP implementation to be used. |
uint16_t |
maxIterations |
Maximum number of iterations which need to be executed. |
uint32_t |
maxPoints |
Maximum number of points that will be pushed to ICP optimization. |
bool |
usePriors |
Controls whether or not ICP uses the initialization pose as a prior in the optimization. |
◆ dwPointCloudICPResultStats
struct dwPointCloudICPResultStats |
Data Fields |
uint16_t |
actualNumIterations |
How many iterations were actually performed. |
float32_t |
inlierFraction |
Fraction of points which are inliers to the final ICP pose. |
uint32_t |
numCorrespondences |
Number of 3D points which qualify as valid correspondences. |
float32_t |
rmsCost |
Weighted root mean square (RMS) cost after last ICP iteration. |
◆ dwPointCloudICPConvergenceCheck
Callback function to be executed by ICP module allowing user to overwrite default convergence criteria method.
The method will receive original and new transformations as computed by the ICP module
Definition at line 97 of file PointCloudICP.h.
◆ dwPointCloudICPHandle_t
◆ dwPointCloudICPType
Defines a type of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.
Enumerator |
DW_POINT_CLOUD_ICP_TYPE_DEPTH_MAP | Grid based depthmap representation for the lidar point cloud.
It is assumed that the structured point cloud passed for alignment was generated from a spinning lidar
Definition at line 61 of file PointCloudICP.h.
◆ dwPointCloudICP_bindInput()
Binds input buffers of a source and a target point clouds as well as a buffer with an initial transformation.
- Parameters
[in] | sourcePCD | Pointer to source point cloud input buffer. Must be in cartesian coordinate space. |
[in] | targetPCD | Pointer to target point cloud input buffer. Must be in cartesian coordinate space. |
[in] | sourceToTarget | Pointer to the initial transformation
that transforms from source to target point cloud |
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT | when at least one of input arguments is not valid |
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_bindOutput()
Binds an output buffer to the resulting transformation between a source and a target point clouds.
- Parameters
[out] | pose | Pointer to the transformation that aligns
the source point cloud with target point cloud |
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp module |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT | when handle to a transformation is not valid |
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_getCUDAStream()
Gets CUDA stream of point cloud icp.
- Parameters
[out] | stream | Pointer to CUDA stream handle |
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT | when handle a CUDA stream is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_getDefaultParams()
Gets default values of dwPointCloudICPParams object.
- Parameters
[out] | params | Pointer to point cloud icp parameters |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT | when handle to icp parameters is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_getLastResultStats()
Get statistics about latest point cloud ICP run, returns the costs for last pose (see a description of 'dwPointCloudICPResultStats' for details)
- Parameters
[out] | resultStats | Struct with stats about latest ICP run |
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT | when handle to statistic results is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_getMaximumDepthMapSize()
Get the maximum allowed size of the depth map in number of points supported by the ICP implementation.
Width x height of the depth map has to be less than this number.
- Parameters
[out] | maxDepthMapSize | - return maximal size in number of points supported by the ICP implementation. |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_initialize()
Initializes point cloud icp.
- Parameters
[out] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
[in] | params | Pointer to point cloud icp parameters |
[in] | ctx | Handle to the context |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT | when at least one of input arguments is not valid or an ICP type is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_process()
Estimates the transformation aligns two PointClouds.
- Parameters
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_CALL_NOT_ALLOWED | - when input or output buffers are not bound |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_release()
Releases a handle of a point cloud icp created using 'dwPointCloudICP_initialize'.
- Parameters
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_reset()
Resets pointers to the source, target point clouds and an output pose to a null pointer value.
- Parameters
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded. |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_setConvergenceCriteriaCallback()
Allows to set a user-defined callback to be executed for ICP convergence test.
If nullptr, the default test will be used.
- Parameters
[in] | callback | Method to execute to test for convergence |
[in] | userData | User data to be passed to the convergence callback |
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_setConvergenceTolerance()
Set tolerances used by the default ICP convergence criteria method.
- Parameters
[in] | angleTol | Change in angular parameters between two consecutive iteration steps, radians |
[in] | distanceTol | Change in translation between two consecutive iteration steps, the same units as a source point cloud |
[in] | obj | The initialized pointcloud ICP Module. |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
- Note
- both tolerances has to be fulfilled, to declare convergence (i.e. it is a binary AND).
◆ dwPointCloudICP_setCUDAStream()
Sets CUDA stream of point cloud icp.
- Parameters
[in] | stream | Handle to CUDA stream |
[in] | obj | Handle to point cloud icp |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp or a CUDA stream is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |
◆ dwPointCloudICP_setMaxIterations()
Set maximum number of iterations which need to be executed.
Note that ICP might converge earlier, due to the tolerances set in dwPointCloudICP_setConvergenceTolerance()
- Parameters
[in] | maxIterations | Maximal number of iterations to execute. |
[in] | obj | The initialized pointcloud ICP Module. |
- Return values
DW_INVALID_HANDLE | when handle to point cloud icp is not valid |
DW_SUCCESS | when operation succeeded |