31#ifndef DW_RIG_VEHICLE_H_
32#define DW_RIG_VEHICLE_H_
Defines a three-element floating-point vector.
NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Core Types
NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Core Exports
float float32_t
Specifies POD types.
#define DW_DEPRECATED(msg)
dwVector3f inertia
Principal moments of inertia with respect to center of mass [kg m^2].
float32_t wheelRadius[DW_VEHICLE_NUM_WHEELS]
Radius of each individual wheel [m].
float32_t throttleSpeedInput[DW_VEHICLE_THROTTLE_BRAKE_LUT_SIZE]
1-d array of range of vehicle linear speed values (Throttle Look-up Table Input) [m/s]
float32_t height
Height of the bounding box (vertical dimension, along Z) [m].
float32_t maxSteeringWheelAngle
maximum steering wheel [radians]
float32_t axlebaseFront
Width of the front axle. [meters].
float32_t brakeActuatorTimeConstant
Time constant for first order + time delay brake system [s].
dwVector3f centerOfMass
Position of center of mass in body coordinate system [m].
dwVehicleAxleProperties axleFront
Properties of the front (steering) axle [m].
dwVehicleBodyProperties body
Properties of the cabin body.
float32_t centerOfMassToRearAxle
Distance between vehicle's CoM (center-of-mass) and center of the rear axle. [meters].
dwVehicleCabin cabin
Properties of an optional floating cabin attached to the base body.
float32_t frontSteeringOffset
front wheel steering offset [radians].
float32_t bumperRear
Distance rear axle to rear bumper. [meters].
int32_t ticksCountMin
Number below which counter rolls under. [-].
float32_t frontCorneringStiffness
front wheel cornering stiffness.
float32_t width
Width of the vehicle, without side mirrors. [meters].
float32_t throttlePedalInput[DW_VEHICLE_THROTTLE_BRAKE_LUT_SIZE]
1-d array of range of throttle pedal values (Throttle Look-up Table Input)
dwVehicleTorqueLUT torqueLUT
Torque lookup tables.
float32_t rearCorneringStiffness
rear wheel cornering stiffness.
float32_t driveByWireDampingRatio
Damping ratio for second order + time delay drive-by-wire / steer-by-wire [unitless].
float32_t understeerAngleGradient
Understeer angle gradient relating lateral acceleration to steering angle deviation.
float32_t centerOfMassHeight
Height of the CoM (m).
float32_t position
Position of axle midpoint along X-axis in corresponding vehicle coordinate system (DW_COORDINATE_SYST...
dwVehicleBodyProperties body
Properties of the base body (passenger car body, truck tractor chassis)
float32_t frontalArea
Vehicle Frontal area (m^2).
float32_t effectiveMass
effective mass due to vehicle rotational inertia (wheel rotation, engine, and other parts of the CVT ...
dwVehicleDynamicsProperties dynamics
Vehicle dynamics properties.
float32_t driveByWireTimeDelay
Drive-by-wire (steer-by-wire) time delay. [s].
dwVehicleAxleProperties axleFront
Properties of the front (steering) axle [m].
dwVector3f boundingBoxPosition
Position of bounding box origin in body coordinate system [m].
float32_t width
Width of the bounding box (lateral dimension, along Y) [m].
float32_t wheelRadiusLeft
Radius of left wheel, when facing towards the forward direction of the vehicle [m].
dwVehicleArticulationProperties articulation
Articulation linking trailer to leading vehicle unit.
dwVehicleAxleProperties axleRear
Properties of the rear axle group [m].
dwVehicleActuationProperties actuation
Vehicle actuation properties.
float32_t brakeTorqueOutput[DW_VEHICLE_THROTTLE_BRAKE_LUT_SIZE]
1-d torque Table, mapping a given brake pedal position to a torque value (Brake Look-up Table Output)
float32_t driveByWireTimeConstant
Drive-by-wire (steer-by-wire) time constant. [s].
float32_t steeringWheelToSteeringMap[DW_VEHICLE_STEER_MAP_POLY_DEGREE_PLUS_ONE]
polynomial coefficents of steering wheel angle to steering angle as given in c0 + c1*x + c2*x^2 + ....
int32_t ticksCountInvalid
Invalid tick count, optional value provided by vehicle in case of error, must be outside of [ticksCou...
float32_t corneringStiffness
Cornering stiffness for a single tire [N/rad].
float32_t length
Length of the vehicle. [meters].
float32_t mass
vehicle mass [kg].
float32_t widthWithMirrors
Width of the vehicle including side mirrors. [meters].
float32_t driveByWireTimeConstant
Time constant for first order + time delay drive-by-wire / steer-by-wire [s].
float32_t throttleActuatorTimeConstant
Time constant for first order + time delay throttle system [s].
dwVector3f inertia3D
vehicle inertia around each axis, w.r.t. its center of mass. [kg m^2]
float32_t axlebaseRear
Width of the rear axle. [meters].
float32_t speedQuantization
Wheel speed quantization.
float32_t rearAxleToBPillar
Distance from rear axle to B pillar [m].
float32_t height
Height of the vehicle. [meters].
float32_t effectiveMass
Effective mass due to rotational inertia (wheel, engine, and other parts of the CVT drivetrain) [kg].
float32_t aeroHeight
Equivalent height of aerodynamic force applied (m).
int32_t ticksPerTurn
Ticks per wheel turn. [-].
float32_t driveByWireNaturalFrequency
Natural frequency for second order + time delay drive-by-wire / steer-by-wire [hz].
float32_t track
Width of the axle, measured between center line of wheels [m].
float32_t brakeActuatorTimeDelay
Time delay for first order + time delay brake system [s].
float32_t throttleActuatorTimeDelay
Time delay for first order + time delay throttle system [s].
bool hasCabin
Indicates presence of a cabin.
dwVector3f leadingVehicleHingePosition
Position of leading vehicle hinge attach point in leading vehicle coordinate system (DW_COORDINATE_SY...
float32_t brakeActuatorTimeConstant
Time constant for first order lp brake system.
dwVehicleTorqueLUT torqueLUT
Lookup table mapping throttle and brake pedal position to torque.
float32_t steeringWheelToSteeringMap[DW_VEHICLE_STEER_MAP_POLY_DEGREE_PLUS_ONE]
Polynomial relating steering wheel angle [rad] to steering angle [rad].
float32_t rearAxleToAPillar
Distance from rear axle to A pillar [m].
dwVehicleTrailerType type
Trailer type, either full or semi, indicates presence of front axle.
dwVehicleBodyProperties body
Properties of the trailer body.
float32_t pitchAngleGradientBrake
Suspension pitch angle gradient during braking. [deg s^2 / m].
float32_t driveByWireTimeDelay
Time delay for first order + time delay drive-by-wire / steer-by-wire [s].
2-d torque table, mapping a given throttle pedal position at a given speed to a torque value (Throttl...
dwVector3f trailingVehicleHingePosition
Position of trailing vehicle hinge attach point in trailer coordinate system (DW_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_VE...
float32_t aerodynamicDragCoeff
Aerodynamic drag coefficient.
float32_t wheelRadiusRight
Radius of right wheel, when facing towards the forward direction of the vehicle [m].
float32_t steeringCoefficient
Steering coefficient for trivial linear mapping between steering wheel and steering angle,...
dwVehicleSuspensionProperties suspension
Vehicle suspension properties.
float32_t rollAngleGradient
Suspension roll angle gradient. [deg s^2 / m].
dwVehicleWheelEncoderProperties wheelEncoder
Wheel encoder properties.
float32_t sideSlipAngleGradient
Side slip angle gradient relating lateral acceleration to side slip angle.
float32_t centerOfMassToFrontAxle
Distance from CoM to the front axle (m).
float32_t maxEnginePower
Maximum engine power in Watts.
int32_t ticksCountMax
Number above which counter rolls over. [-].
float32_t rollingResistanceCoeff
Rolling resistance coefficient.
float32_t wheelbase
Distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels. [meters].
dwVehicleTrailer trailers[DW_VEHICLE_MAX_NUM_TRAILERS]
Properties of trailer units.
float32_t bumperFront
Distance front axle to front bumper. [meters].
dwVehicleAxleProperties axleRear
Properties of the rear axle group [m].
bool isDriveByWireSecondOrder
Indicates whether the drive-by-wire / steer-by-wire is second-order or not.
float32_t rearAxleToCPillar
Distance from rear axle to C pillar [m].
float32_t widthWithoutMirrors
Width of the body without any side-mirrors, if applicable, otherwise same as width.
float32_t maxSteeringWheelAngle
Maximum steering wheel angle [rad].
uint32_t numTrailers
Stores the occupied/valid length of trailers.
float32_t pitchAngleGradientAccel
Suspension pitch angle gradient during acceleration. [deg s^2 / m].
float32_t length
Length of the bounding box (longitudinal dimension, along X) [m].
1-d array of range of brake pedal values (Brake Look-up Table Input)
float32_t throttleActuatorTimeConstant
Time constant for first order lp throttle system.
Supported trailer types.
Define index for each of the wheels on a 4 wheeled vehicle.
Trailer that has both front and rear axles.
Number of wheels describing the vehicle.
DEPRECATED: Properties of a passenger car vehicle.
Vehicle actuation properties.
Properties of an articulation linking two vehicle units.
Properties of an axle and its wheels.
Physical properties of a vehicle body.
Vehicle cabin description.
Throttle and brake state (input) to longitudinal force (output) lookup tables.
Vehicle trailer description.
Wheel encoder parameters.