Read-Only File System Considerations

DRIVE OS Linux file systems are supported to be mounted read-only when required by users. When DRIVE OS Linux Initramfs sees file systems that are mounted read-only, it enables access to a scratch partition gos0-rw-overlay of size 1 GB to receive the writes on the file system paths: /var, /tmp, /home, /etc. This scratch partition is not persistent across flashing and gets wiped during flashing.

For more information, see DM-Verity and Read-Only File System Support.

Note: The read-only file system does not affect the support for persistent partitions. The mounts for persistent partitions for user metadata and user data are stacked on top of the gos0-rw-overlay partition. Therefore, writes /etc/ and /home directly go to their respective persistent partitions instead of the gos0-rw_overlay partition.