Installing Non-Default File Systems

When the DRIVE OS Linux is installed using the steps in the Install DRIVE OS Linux Debian Packages topic, the default file system installed is driveos-core-ubuntu-20.04-rfs​​​​. You can install other file system Debian, such as driveos-oobe-desktop-ubuntu-20.04-rfs or driveos-oobe-ubuntu-20.04-rfs, following these steps.

  1. To install the driveos-oobe-rfs or driveos-oobe-desktop Debian package, use the following commands:
    $ export NV_WORKSPACE="/path/where/SDK/needs/is/installed"
    $ sudo -E dpkg -i <deb_file>

    Enter yes to each follow-on dpkg prompt.

    The <deb_file> is the file system Debian from the File System column in the table shown in "DRIVE OS LINUX File Systems".

  2. After installing the file system, flash the target using the guidelines in the DRIVE OS Bootburn document.