To get the supported commands

There are various parameters that can be set for CAN interface.

  • Enter:
# ip link set can0  type can help 

This command prints the following help:

Usage: ip link set DEVICE type can
        [ bitrate BITRATE [ sample-point SAMPLE-POINT] ] |
        [ tq TQ prop-seg PROP_SEG phase-seg1 PHASE-SEG1
          phase-seg2 PHASE-SEG2 [ sjw SJW ] ]
        [ dbitrate BITRATE [ dsample-point SAMPLE-POINT] ] |
        [ dtq TQ dprop-seg PROP_SEG dphase-seg1 PHASE-SEG1
          dphase-seg2 PHASE-SEG2 [ dsjw SJW ] ]
        [ loopback { on | off } ]
        [ listen-only { on | off } ]
        [ triple-sampling { on | off } ]
        [ one-shot { on | off } ]
        [ berr-reporting { on | off } ]
        [ fd { on | off } ]
        [ restart-ms TIME-MS ]
        [ restart ]
        Where: BITRATE  := { 1..1000000 }
                  SAMPLE-POINT  := { 0.000..0.999 }
                  TQ            := { NUMBER }
                  PROP-SEG      := { 1..8 }
                  PHASE-SEG1    := { 1..8 }
                  PHASE-SEG2    := { 1..8 }
                  SJW           := { 1..4 }
                  RESTART-MS    := { 0 | NUMBER }