Vijay Korthikanti

Vijay Korthikanti is a senior research scientist in the Applied Deep Learning Research group at NVIDIA. Vijay's research interests are in areas of scalable deep learning, HW-SW codesign, parallel algorithms, and formal verification. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Vijay worked at two HW startups, Nervana Systems and Cerebras Systems, focusing on parallel algorithm development, HW-SW codesign, and end-to-end deep learning acceleration. Earlier in his career, he spent a few years at Synopsys on their formal verification team. Vijay received his Ph. D from UIUC in 2011 focusing on energy-performance tradeoffs of parallel applications.
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Posts by Vijay Korthikanti

Conversational AI

Scaling Language Model Training to a Trillion Parameters Using Megatron

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen rapid progress in recent years as computation at scale has become more available and datasets have become larger. At... 17 MIN READ