Niral Pathak

Niral Pathak is a software engineer at NVIDIA working on the deployment of computer vision solutions. He holds an MS in electrical and computer engineering from UC San Diego. His interests include computer vision, deep learning, and robotics.
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Posts by Niral Pathak

Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Training and Optimizing a 2D Pose Estimation Model with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, Part 2

The first post in this series covered how to train a 2D pose estimation model using an open-source COCO dataset with the BodyPoseNet app in NVIDIA TAO Toolkit.... 12 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Training and Optimizing a 2D Pose Estimation Model with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, Part 1

Human pose estimation is a popular computer vision task of estimating key points on a person’s body such as eyes, arms, and legs. This can help classify a... 14 MIN READ