Hareshkumar Borse

Hareshkumar Borse is a System Software Manager at NVIDIA in the Multimedia driver and applications team. He has worked on video, audio, 3dvision, and optical flow use cases on NVIDIA GPUs. Prior to NVIDIA, he worked on video and graphics application development at C-DAC. He holds an M.Tech. degree in Communication Engineering from IIT Mumbai, India
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Posts by Hareshkumar Borse

Computer Vision / Video Analytics

AV1 Encoding and Optical Flow: Video Performance Boosts and Higher Fidelity on the NVIDIA Ada Architecture

Announced at GTC 2022, the next generation of NVIDIA GPUs—the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 series, NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation, and NVIDIA L40 for data... 7 MIN READ