Filippo Spiga

Filippo Spiga is a technical product manager for Accelerated Compute Workloads and Performance at NVIDIA. In this role, he works closely with engineering and product teams to understand and analyze workloads performance across multiple verticals including HPC, AI, Enterprise, and Cloud. Filippo has a master’s degree in Computer Science from University of Milano Bicocca. For more than 15 years, he has worked in multiple institutions worldwide including CINECA, IBM Research, ICHEC, University of Cambridge, and Arm Ltd. He has been a long-term contributor of Quantum ESPRESSO, a popular density functional theory suite.
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Posts by Filippo Spiga

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Spotlight: Petrobras Speeds Up Linear Solvers for Reservoir Simulation Using NVIDIA Grace CPU

Reservoir simulation helps reservoir engineers optimize their resource exploration approach by simulating complex scenarios and comparing with real-world field... 8 MIN READ