EM Lewis-Jong

EM is the product lead for Common Voice at Mozilla Foundation, overseeing platform strategy and direction. She has a decade of experience in product, tech policy, and applied research, most recently in the GovTech space, where she ran product teams from concept phase to Series A. She started her career as an investigative analyst at a Global Fund, and advocated for legislative amendments with peers at the UK House of Lords. Nominated for the Women in Tech and Rising Stars of Tech awards, she has spoken at FWD50 and Republica, and holds a Churchill Fellowship for her fieldwork on citizen engagement technologies. She studied at the University of Oxford and is a SheCodes alumna.
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Posts by EM Lewis-Jong

Conversational AI

Unlocking Speech AI Technology for Global Language Users: Top Q&As

Voice-enabled technology is becoming ubiquitous. But many are being left behind by an anglocentric and demographically biased algorithmic world. Mozilla Common... 10 MIN READ