Doris Folini

Doris Folini works at ETH Zurich in the field of climate research, with a particular focus on climate modeling. She has a strong interest in sharing and expanding her knowledge and skills in the frame of interdisciplinary projects. Her conviction that engaging in different fields not only is fun but creates added value is echoed by her professional track record, including a master’s degree in Theoretical Physics from ETH Zurich, ongoing research activity in Theoretical Astrophysics at ENS Lyon, extensive engagements in applied math and air pollution modeling, project work involving such different topics as ground water purification, optimum growth conditions for wheat, economics of climate change, or solar radiation forecasting as a key element of the energy transition. For relaxation, she enjoys mountain hiking, sports, and reading.
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Posts by Doris Folini

Data Center / Cloud

Advancing Solar Irradiance Prediction with NVIDIA Earth-2

As global electricity demand continues to rise, traditional sources of energy are increasingly unsustainable. Energy providers are facing pressure to reduce... 9 MIN READ