Aaron Erickson

Aaron Erickson is a senior manager for the Resource Governance AI team at NVIDIA. Prior to NVIDIA, his career spanned roles from engineering at ThoughtWorks to VP of Engineering at New Relic. Most recently, he was CEO and co-founder at Orgspace, where he built the world's first tool for enabling you to do your company reorg entirely through generative AI. Prior publications include the books The Nomadic Developer, Surviving and Thriving in the World of Technology Consulting, and Professional F# 2.0. He has led efforts in his team, founding the Llo11yPop project, using AI agents to help NVIDIA govern its GPU fleet spanning all cloud providers and regions.
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Posts by Aaron Erickson

Decorative image of a robot next to several NVIDIA icons.
Generative AI

Optimizing Data Center Performance with AI Agents and the OODA Loop Strategy

For any data center, operating large, complex GPU clusters is not for the faint of heart! There is a tremendous amount of complexity. Cooling, power,... 12 MIN READ