Device Tree Files in the BSP Framework

The BSP framework from NVIDIA includes device tree source files that describe the supported platforms. It provides source files that support hardware differences among the variants of each platform.

A hierarchy of DTSI files describes each platform. From highest (most general) to lowest (most specific), the hierarchy levels are:

A hierarchy of DTSI files describes each platform:

    |-- Base Platform DTS
        |-- Platform Intermediate DTSI
            |-- Platform Common DTSI
                |-- SoC DTSI

Files named with this syntax contain a device tree for the platform with the specified Tegra version.

The SDKsupplies the DTS files in the following directories:

  • tegra234-vcm31_<e3550a01-t186a | e3550a01-t186b | e3550a03-t186a | e3550a03-t186b>-base-*.dtsi

    Files named with this syntax contain chip-specific nodes common for boards that have the Tegra version in question.

  • tegra234-vcm31t234-common.dtsi

Files named with this syntax contain a Device Tree for the vcm31 platform with the specified Tegra version.

DTS and DTSI files refer to each other using include statements. This allows the reuse of pre-existing device tree nodes. A board-00 DTS file includes the relevant board DTSI file, which includes the relevant chip-specific DTSI file, which in turn includes the relevant SoC DTSI file.