NVIDIA Linux Filesystems

The following table shows the Debian package to installed to use the specified filesystem.

Filesystem Which File to Download Purpose
driveos-oobe-ubuntu-20.04-rfs nv-driveos-linux-driveos-oobe-ubuntu-20.04-rfs-<release>-<DRIVEOS_GCID>_<release>-<DRIVEOS_GCID>_amd64.deb

Intended to be used by developers as a development or reference filesystem.

Contains NVIDIA automotive sample applications and corresponding documentations.

driveos-oobe-desktop-ubuntu-20.04-rfs nv-driveos-linux-driveos-oobe-desktop-ubuntu-20.04-rfs-<release>-<DRIVEOS_GCID>_<release>-<DRIVEOS_GCID>_amd64.deb

Intended to be used by developers as a development or reference filesystem.

Contains NVIDIA automotive GUI desktop interface, sample applications, and corresponding documentations.

driveos-core-ubuntu-20.04-rfs nv-driveos-linux-driveos-core-ubuntu-20.04-rfs-<release>-<DRIVEOS_GCID>_<release>-<DRIVEOS_GCID>_amd64.deb

Intended to be used by production systems.

Contains NVIDIA automotive drivers, libraries, tools, firmwares, scripts, and other required files for core functionality.

Where <DRIVEOS_GCID> is the GCID of NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux and <release> is the NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK version.