Disabling GPU Debugger and Profiler for Security

Important: Points to consider before using GPU Debugger and Profiler.
  • NVIDIA recommends disabling the GPU Debugger and Profiler support before deploying DRIVE OS or when the support is not required during development.

    Note: The GPU Debugger and Profiler support is enabled by default in DRIVE OS to better development experience.
  • GPU Debugger and Profiler can examine and alter the state of all the applications running on the GPU, and attackers can exploit this capability.
  • Potential security risks could occur when this support is enabled during the DRIVE OS deployment.

To disable GPU Debugger and Profiler:

  1. Identify the Guest OS DTB file getting flashed on the target.
  2. Back up the original DTB file, and convert it to the DTS format with this command:
    dtc -I dtb -O dts <DTB> -o edit.dts
  3. Edit edit.dts and set the support-gpu-tools device tree property in the GPU device node to 0.

    • For more information, see <top>/kernel/kernel-5.10/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/gpu/nvidia,gv11b.txt.
    • On NVIDIA Orin, the GPU device node name is ga10b.
  4. Save the edits and compile DTS back to DTB format with command:
    dtc -I dts -O dtb edit.dts -o <DTB>
  5. Bind and flash the target as usual.

    The GPU Debugger and Profiler support is disabled now.

To enable GPU Debugger and Profiler:

  1. Back up the original DTB file, and convert it to the DTS format with this command:
    dtc -I dtb -O dts <DTB> -o edit.dts
  2. Edit edit.dts and set the support-gpu-tools device tree property in the GPU device node to 1.

    • For more information, see <top>/kernel/kernel-5.10/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/gpu/nvidia,gv11b.txt.
    • On NVIDIA Orin, the GPU device node name is ga10b.
  3. Save the edits and compile DTS back to DTB format with command:
    dtc -I dts -O dtb edit.dts -o <DTB>
  4. Bind and flash the target as usual.

    The GPU Debugger and Profiler support is enabled now.