I2C type-specific parameters

The I2C type specific parameters are as follows:




Specifies the controller ID of I2C.


Specifies the 7-bit secondary address.


Specifies the register size in bits:

0 or 8:1 byte

16: 2 byte


Specifies the register address size in bits:

0 or 8:1 byte

16: 2 byte

  • Commands can be either MMIO or I2C.
  • The information is in the format <address> = <data>, to support the write-only sequence.
  • All commands are indexed, to facilitate multiple commands in a given block.
  • Commands are sent to the device is in sequence, starting from index 0, in the following format

The command syntax is as follows:

commands[command-index].<addr> = <data>;

All reset conditions support 3 AO blocks, initialized as follows:

bootrom.<reset-name>.aocommand[0] = <ao block ID>
bootrom.<reset-name>.aocommand[1] = <ao block ID>
bootrom.<reset-name>.aocommand[2] = <ao block ID>

Where <reset_name> is one of the following: watchdog5, watchdog4, sc7, sc8, soft-reset, sensor-aotag, vfsensor, or hsm.

For example:

bootrom.aoblock-count = 2;
# Automatic power cycling: Set MAX77620
# Register ONOFFCNFG2, bit SFT_RST_WK = 1 (default is "0" after cold boot),
# Register ONOFFCNFG1, bit SFT_RST = 1
bootrom.aoblock[0].command-retries-count = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[0].delay-between-commands-us = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[0].wait-before-start-bus-clear-us = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[0].block-count  = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].type = 0; # I2C Type
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].slave-add = 0x3c; # 7BIt:0x3c
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].reg-data-size = 8;
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].reg-add-size = 8;
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].count = 2;
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].commands[0].0x42 = 0xda;
bootrom.aoblock[0].block[0].commands[1].0x41 = 0xf8;
# Shutdown: Set MAX77620
# Register ONOFFCNFG2, bit SFT_RST_WK = 0
# Register ONOFFCNFG1, bit SFT_RST = 1
bootrom.aoblock[1].command-retries-count = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[1].delay-between-commands-us = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[1].wait-before-start-bus-clear-us = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[1].block-count  = 1;
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].type = 0; # I2C Type
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].slave-add = 0x3c; # 7BIt:0x3c
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].reg-data-size = 8;
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].reg-add-size = 8;
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].count = 2;
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].commands[0].0x42 = 0x5a;
bootrom.aoblock[1].block[0].commands[1].0x41 = 0xf8;
# Shutdown in sensor/ao-tag
#reset in soft reset.
# no commands for other case
bootrom.sensor-aotag.aocommand[0] = 1;
bootrom.soft-reset.aocommand[0] = 0;