DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

DNNTensor Interface

Detailed Description

Defines DNNTensor module for managing tensor content.

Data Structures

struct  dwDNNTensor
 Exposes the content of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t. More...
struct  dwDNNTensorProperties
 Specifies DNNTensor properties. More...


 Maximum number of dimensions a tensor can have including batch dimension (N). More...


typedef struct dwDNNTensorObject const * dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t
typedef struct dwDNNTensorObject * dwDNNTensorHandle_t
 Handles representing Deep Neural Network interface. More...


enum  dwDNNTensorColorSpace {
 Represents the color space the data is represented in. If unknown, then its custom or non color data. More...
enum  dwDNNTensorLayout {
 Specifies the layout of a tensor Here the letters in the suffix define: More...
enum  dwDNNTensorType {
 Speficies the type of a tensor. More...


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_create (dwDNNTensorHandle_t *const tensorHandle, dwDNNTensorProperties const *const properties, dwContextHandle_t const ctx)
 Creates and allocates resources for a dwDNNTensorHandle_t based on the properties. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_createWithExtMem (dwDNNTensorHandle_t *const tensorHandle, dwDNNTensorProperties const *const properties, uint8_t *const extMem, size_t const stride)
 Creates a dwDNNTensorHandle_t with external memory resources based on the properties. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_destroy (dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Destroys the tensor handle and frees any memory created by dwDNNTensor_create() or dwDNNTensor_createWithExtMem(). More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getLayoutView (size_t *const offset, size_t *const stride, size_t *const numElements, const uint32_t *const indices, uint32_t const numIndices, uint32_t const dimension, dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Returns coefficients to facilitate traversing the given dimension. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getProperties (dwDNNTensorProperties *const properties, dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Retrieves the properties of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getTensor (dwDNNTensor *const tensor, dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Retrieves the dwDNNTensor of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getTimestamp (dwTime_t *const time, dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Retrieves the timestamp of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_lock (void **const data, dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Locks the tensor and retrieves pointer to the data with write access. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_setTimestamp (dwTime_t time, dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Set timestamp of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_tryLock (bool *const isLocked, void **const data, dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Tries to lock the tensor. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_unlock (dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
 Unlocks the tensor, enabling other threads to lock the tensor and modify the content. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwDNNTensor

struct dwDNNTensor
Data Fields
dwDNNTensorProperties prop Defines the properties of the tensor.
const void * ptr Pointer to the tensor content on CPU/GPU or NvMedia.
NvMedia content cannot be traversed using this pointer. dwDNNTensorStreamer should be used to stream NvMedia to CPU or GPU to be able to access the content.
dwTime_t timestamp_us Specifies a timestamp, in microseconds, corresponding to this tensor data.

◆ dwDNNTensorProperties

struct dwDNNTensorProperties
Data Fields
dwDNNTensorColorSpace colorSpace Color space of the data in the tensor.
dwTrivialDataType dataType Data type of elements of the tensor.
uint32_t dimensionSize[DW_DNN_TENSOR_MAX_DIMENSIONS] Dimensions of the tensor to match the selected layout type.

The order of dimensions is defined by the dwDNNTensorLayout by reading the last suffix of DW_DNN_TENSOR_LAYOUT_... in reverse order. For example given DW_DNN_TENSOR_LAYOUT_NCHW, dimensionSize should be set to: [0] = width, [1] = height, [2] = number of channels and [3] = batch size.

Use dwDNNTensor_getLayoutView() to traverse the tensor in order to avoid having to compute the stride and offset for each dimension.
float32_t dynamicRange[2] Tensor scale value for reformatting fro m higher precision to lower precision. Values are min and max of dynamic range.
bool isGPUMapped Indicates whether the memory allocation should be mapped to GPU.

This allocates memory using cudaHostAlloc with cudaHostAllocMapped flag. This argument is only valid if tensor type is DW_DNN_TENSOR_TYPE_CPU or DW_DNN_TENSOR_TYPE_CUDA.

uint32_t numDimensions Number of dimensions of the tensor.
dwDNNTensorLayout tensorLayout Tensor layout.
dwDNNTensorType tensorType Tensor type.

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximum number of dimensions a tensor can have including batch dimension (N).

Definition at line 61 of file Tensor.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t

typedef struct dwDNNTensorObject const* dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t

Definition at line 58 of file Tensor.h.

◆ dwDNNTensorHandle_t

typedef struct dwDNNTensorObject* dwDNNTensorHandle_t

Handles representing Deep Neural Network interface.

Definition at line 57 of file Tensor.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dwDNNTensorColorSpace

Represents the color space the data is represented in. If unknown, then its custom or non color data.


Definition at line 91 of file Tensor.h.

◆ dwDNNTensorLayout

Specifies the layout of a tensor Here the letters in the suffix define:

  • N: number of images in the batch
  • H: height of the image
  • W: width of the image
  • C: number of channels of the image

Planar tensor. This is the most common tensor layout.


Interleaved tensor.


Tensor with both interleaved and planar channels.

The interleaved channels are fixed and the dimension size at index 0 is the number of actual interleaved channels on the last plane.

Definition at line 79 of file Tensor.h.

◆ dwDNNTensorType

Speficies the type of a tensor.


CPU tensor.


CUDA tensor.


NvMedia tensor.

Definition at line 64 of file Tensor.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dwDNNTensor_create()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_create ( dwDNNTensorHandle_t *const  tensorHandle,
dwDNNTensorProperties const *const  properties,
dwContextHandle_t const  ctx 

Creates and allocates resources for a dwDNNTensorHandle_t based on the properties.

[out]tensorHandleA tensor handle
[in]propertiesPointer to the tensor properties
[in]ctxThe DriveWorks context.
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor was created successfully,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if any of the given parameters is invalid,
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if the given context handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_createWithExtMem()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_createWithExtMem ( dwDNNTensorHandle_t *const  tensorHandle,
dwDNNTensorProperties const *const  properties,
uint8_t *const  extMem,
size_t const  stride 

Creates a dwDNNTensorHandle_t with external memory resources based on the properties.

[out]tensorHandleA tensor handle
[in]propertiesPointer to the tensor properties
[in]extMemPointer to external memory resources.
[in]strideStride size of external memory resources.
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor was created successfully,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if any of the given parameters is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_destroy()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_destroy ( dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle)

Destroys the tensor handle and frees any memory created by dwDNNTensor_create() or dwDNNTensor_createWithExtMem().

[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor was destroyed successfully,
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if the given tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_getLayoutView()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getLayoutView ( size_t *const  offset,
size_t *const  stride,
size_t *const  numElements,
const uint32_t *const  indices,
uint32_t const  numIndices,
uint32_t const  dimension,
dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Returns coefficients to facilitate traversing the given dimension.

The coefficients can be used to estimate the location in memory by: tensorData[idx * stride + offset] where idx is in [0, numElements)

This function is not supported by NvMedia tensors. In order to access the content of the tensors in question, stream them to CPU or CUDA using dwDNNTensorStreamer.
[out]offsetOffset. Stored in CPU.
[out]strideStride. Stored in CPU.
[out]numElementsNumber of elements in the given desired dimension. Stored in CPU.
[in]indicesList of indices having the same size as dimensions of the tensor and indicating the starting position of the traversal
[in]numIndicesNumber of given indices
[in]dimensionDimension to be traversed
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor was destroyed successfully,
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if the given tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_getProperties()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getProperties ( dwDNNTensorProperties *const  properties,
dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Retrieves the properties of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t.

[out]propertiesA pointer to the properties
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor properties are retrieved successfully,
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if the given tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_getTensor()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getTensor ( dwDNNTensor *const  tensor,
dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Retrieves the dwDNNTensor of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t.

Any modification to the data pointed by the tensor retrieved will modify the content of the original handle
[out]tensorA pointer to the dwDNNTensor pointer
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the dwDNNTensor is successfully retrieved,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the given tensor pointer or tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_getTimestamp()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_getTimestamp ( dwTime_t *const  time,
dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Retrieves the timestamp of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t.

[out]timeA pointer to the timestamp
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the timestamp is successfully retrieved,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the given tensor pointer or tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_lock()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_lock ( void **const  data,
dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Locks the tensor and retrieves pointer to the data with write access.

Read access can also be achieved by dwDNNTensor_getTensor(). Locking a tensor will block any operation that shall modify the content.

This function will block if the tensor is locked by another thread.
[out]dataA pointer to the beginning of the tensor content.
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor is successfully locked and data is successfully retrieved,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the given data pointer or tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_setTimestamp()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_setTimestamp ( dwTime_t  time,
dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Set timestamp of a dwDNNTensorHandle_t.

[in]timeInput timestamp
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the timestamp is successfully set,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the given tensor pointer or tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_tryLock()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_tryLock ( bool *const  isLocked,
void **const  data,
dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle 

Tries to lock the tensor.

Returns immediately. If the lock operation is successful, isLocked is set to true, and the data points to the beginning of the content of the tensor. Otherwise, isLocked is set to false and the data points to nullptr.

If the tensor has already been locked by the same thread, the behavior is undefined.
[out]isLockedA flag indicating if the lock operation is successful.
[out]dataA pointer to the beginning of the tensor content if lock is successful.
[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS whether the lock is successful or not,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the given data pointer, isLocked or tensor handle is invalid.

◆ dwDNNTensor_unlock()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_unlock ( dwDNNTensorHandle_t const  tensorHandle)

Unlocks the tensor, enabling other threads to lock the tensor and modify the content.

[in]tensorHandleA tensor handle
DW_SUCCESS if the tensor is successfully unlocked,
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the tensor handle is invalid.