Executing NVIDIA Build-FS With the Updated CONFIG

You can invoke NVIDIA Build-FS to produce a filesystem image. Continuing from the example in the previous section, in the existing or newly opened BASH terminal, execute the following walkthrough commands:

sudo -E /opt/nvidia/driveos/common/filesystems/build-fs/<NV_BUILD_FS_VERSION>/bin/build_fs.py -w ~/driveos/ -i /opt/nvidia/driveos/common/filesystems/build-fs/<NV_BUILD_FS_VERSION>/configs/driveos-user-rfs.CONFIG.json -o output/

Note: In this example, NVIDIA DRIVE OS is installed to ~/driveos/; if NVIDIA DRIVE OS is installed to another directory, ensure that NVIDIA Build-FS is pointed to the appropriate workspace location.

A filesystem image named nvidia-driveos-build-fs-rfs-user.img (the default name specified in the default CONFIG template, but you can change the name) is generated under the output/ directory. The filesystem image can be deployed and used to flash onto the target platform.