NVIDIA Build-FS does not come with any predefined CONFIG or MANIFEST. Any predefined MANIFEST and the associated user CONFIG are downloaded and installed as part of NVIDIA DRIVE OS.

NVIDIA Build-FS does come with a default basic CONFIG template you can build upon. The default CONFIG template has nothing defined and produces no result when executed with NVIDIA Build-FS but acts as a starting point for you to learn.

The default CONFIG template is located within the configs/ directory of the installation location of NVIDIA Build-FS, which is usually located at /opt/nvidia/driveos/common/filesystems/build-fs/<NV_BUILD_FS_VERSION>/configs/. Within the directory, you can find the default CONFIG template, driveos-user-rfs.CONFIG.json.

This example walkthrough edits the default CONFIG template; however, if you wish, you may use your own or one of the NVIDIA DRIVE OS manifests or configurations for customization. This simple example installs the Debian vim, but any other Debian can be used. Open a BASH terminal and issue the following commands:

# Edit default CONFIG template using an editor of your choice, 
we chose vim for simplicity.
nvidia@nvidia:~$ vim /opt/nvidia/driveos/common/filesystems/build-fs/<NV_BUILD_FS_VERSION>/configs/driveos-user-rfs.CONFIG.json
# Once the file has been open for edit, update the section "DebianPackages" 
and add the entry "vim" as shown.
# Also update the section Mirrors as shown below, with the Ubuntu mirror 
from which "vim" Debian package can be obtained.
    "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ focal main universe restricted"
# Once the changes have been made, commit your changes by saving the file.
# If you wish to have other changes, refer to section "NVIDIA Build-FS CONFIG 
Semantics" for additional details of NVIDIA Build-FS CONFIG semantics.

You have edited your first NVIDIA Build-FS CONFIG successfully. The following sections describe how to generate an image and flash your image to the target platform.