CUDA Applications

The following resources are available to help you build and run CUDA sample applications:
  • The installations of CUDA Host x86 and Linux AArch64 are in the /usr/local/cuda-11.4/ folder.
  • The source code files of all CUDA samples are in the /usr/local/cuda-11.4/samples folder.
  • For more information about CUDA toolkit, see CUDA Toolkit Documentation v11.4.1.

Building CUDA Sample Applications for the Linux Target

Host cross-compile is supported for DRIVE OS releases only. After you finish installing CUDA x86 and cross-compile packages, perform the following steps:

  1. Install the CUDA sample sources to a directory where you do not need root privileges to write, such as the $HOME directory as shown in the following example:
    $ cd ~/
    • If you installed the driveos-oobe-desktop filesystem, use the following command to run the script from the CUDA installation in the target file system:
      $ <$NV_WORKSPACE>/drive-linux/filesystem/targetfs/usr/local/cuda-11.4/bin/ .
    • If you installed the default Debian local repo, install from the host CUDA directory and remove the nvJPEG folders:
      $ /usr/local/cuda-11.4/bin/ .
      $ cd ~/NVIDIA_CUDA-11.4_Samples/7_CUDALibraries/
      $ rm -r nvJPEG*
      $ cd ~/NVIDIA_CUDA-11.4_Samples
  2. For Debians and Dockers:
    sudo make SMS=87 TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 TARGET_OS=linux TARGET_FS=$NV_WORKSPACE/drive-linux_src/filesystem/targetfs

    Where $NV_WORKSPACE is /drive for Docker Containers and <install_path>/DRIVE_OS_6.0.4_SDK_Linux_DRIVE_AGX_ORIN_DEVKITS/DRIVEOS/ for SDK Manager.

Running CUDA Sample Applications

To run a CUDA sample application,
  1. Copy the sample files of your choice to the target.
  2. From the target, run the sample application.
For example,
$ cd ~/
$ rcp -r <username>@<host ip address>:/path/to/NVIDIA_CUDA-11.4_Samples/ .
$ cd NVIDIA_CUDA-11.4_Samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery
$ ./deviceQueryDrv // you can launch any sample application