To enable FD mode

  1. If the interface is already up, disable it.
    #ip link set down can0
  2. Set the flexible data rate for the dbitrate option to any valid data rate, provided that dbitrate is greater than the specified bitrate value.
    #ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 dbitrate 2000000 berr-reporting on fd on && ip link set up can0

For dbitrate support, iproute package version or later is required. Additionally, the maximum dbitrate support depends on PHY chip on platform. Consult the PHY datasheet to identify and obtain the maximum allowed data bitrate.

dbitrate 1000000 (1 Mbps) and 2000000 (2 Mbps) are supported data bitrates. Any other dbitrate is not validated on TegraMTTCAN driver.