Nsight Aftermath 2020.1
NVIDIA® Nsight™ Aftermath 2020.1.0 - Release Notes and Known Issues
New Support:- Added support for the Vulkan API
- Users can now generate crash dump files from Vulkan applications
- Application integration has been extended so support Vulkan
- Check out the sample code at https://github.com/NVIDIA/nsight-aftermath-samples
- Requires an R445 or newer driver
- For more information about Nsight Aftermath, see https://developer.nvidia.com/nsight-aftermath
- Pascal architecture GPUs are now tested to work with Nsight Aftermath. If you run into any issues, please let us know at NsightAftermath@nvidia.com
- Updated integration API to improve cross API and OS portability
- Implemented minor bug fixes
- You must install the NVIDIA display driver in order to use the NVIDIA Nsight
Aftermath SDK features. Not all SDK fetaures are supported with all driver
versions. It is recommended to always install the latest driver available from
the NVIDIA web site. For the 2020.1.0 release the recommendation is to
download and install the following display driver:
Windows: Release 445.75 or newer
- Aftermath is only supported on NVIDIA Pascal architecture GPUs and newer. The amount of information available for older GPU architectures is limited
- Aftermath is only supported on Microsoft Windows 10 OS
- The use of Aftermath D3D event markers or Vulkan diagnostic checkpoints introduces considerable CPU overhead
- [D3D] Aftermath is incompatible with Microsoft PIX and other tools that use interception libraries to wrap D3D objects
- [D3D] The full Aftermath feature set is only supported for D3D12
- [D3D] The experimental GFSDK_Aftermath_DX12_RegisterResource function causes a memory leak
- [D3D] GFSDK_Aftermath_PageFaultInformation function sometimes returns an incorrect pAppResource pointer
- [D3D] In certain situations, Aftermath event markers may not be reported on Pascal GPUs
- [D3D] Shader debug information for legacy DXBC shaders is unsupported
For an overview of Nsight™ Aftermath and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight™ Aftermath page.
NVIDIA® Nsight™ Aftermath 2020.1 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.
Note that documentation is included in this download.