China DXR Spotlight contest
参加比赛,赢取NVIDIA RTX™显卡!
NVIDIA is excited to announce our partnership with Microsoft, Epic Games and NExT Studios on the DXR Spotlight contest. We’re looking for game developers and content creators to create tech demos with Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DirectX® Raytracing for a chance to win NVIDIA RTX™ GPUs.
英伟达联合微软,Epic游戏,NExT Studios一起,为大家带来中国DXR光线追踪开发者大赛。游戏开发者与内容创作者可以利用Microsoft® DirectX® 12光线追踪的新特性,提交光追作品,赢取NVIDIA RTX™显卡大奖!
If you're interested in enrolling, or have any questions, please contact for support.
Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR, and the GeForce RTX™ platform bring real-time ray tracing to games for the first time ever. Ray tracing has been considered the holy grail of computer graphics, simulating the physical behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic-quality rendering to games like never before.
Microsoft® DirectX® 12与DXR,基于GeForce RTX™平台,史无前例的将光线追踪技术带到了游戏平台。作为游戏图形界的圣杯,光线追踪技术可以模拟光线在真实物理世界的效果,带来前所未有的实时电影级别渲染能力。
We want to see just how creative you can be with Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR! We’re asking content creators/developers to use real-time ray traced reflections, real-time shadows, real-time global illumination, and/or real-time ambient occlusion in their tech demos.
我们期待看到,在Microsoft® DirectX® 12和DXR的支持下,内容创作者将如何施展你们的才华。你们可以在Demo中灵活运用实时光线追踪反射,实时阴影,实时GI以及AO等技术。
What winners get:
All winners will each receive:
- Developer support from NVIDIA, Microsoft, Epic Games and NExT Studios
- Social media promotion on NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Epic Games and NExT Studios social media channels
- 来自NVIDIA,微软,Epic Games,NExT Studios的开发者技术支持
- 在NVIDIA,微软,Epic Games,NExT Studios的社交媒体渠道上获得露出展示
How To Enter
- 1. Create a tech demo that showcases real-time ray tracing using Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR. Content creators and/or developers must use real-time ray traced reflections, shadows, and/or global illumination in their tech demos to qualify.
2. Submit your application here.
- a. All applications must be received by 11:59 p.m.(Pacific Standard Time), Oct 31, 2019 to qualify.
- b. Submissions must be both a video clip (minimum 30 seconds) of the tech demo and a link to the tech demo.
- c. Provide a brief description of how you used Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR and real-time ray traced reflections, global illumination, shadows, and/or ambient occlusion in tech demo
- a. 所有参赛作品的递交截止日期为:2019年10月31日晚11:59
- b. 递交必须包含一个至少30秒的视频片断,以及技术demo下载地址
- c. 游戏开发者需要提供一段简述,形容自己如何在技术demo中使用了微软DX12和DXR,以及实时光线追踪反射,GI,阴影与/或AO的特性。
How to win
A panel of real-time ray tracing experts from NVIDIA, Microsoft, Epic Games and Tencent Next Studios will select the three best entries. Content creators and/or developers must integrate the below technology into their tech demo to qualify:
- Real-time ray traced reflections; and/or
- Real-time ray traced global illumination; and/or
- Real-time ray traced shadows; and/or
- Real-time ray traced ambient occlusion
由来自NVIDIA,微软,Epic Games,腾讯Next Studios的评委联合组成的评审委员会将选出最好的3个作品。内容创作者/游戏开发者必须在技术Demo中使用以下技术:
- 实时光线追踪反射,和/或
- 实时光线追踪GI,和/或
- 实时光线追踪阴影,和/或
- 实时光线追踪AO
Entries will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Originality – has the developer created their own assets for the tech demo
- Technical Achievement - how well has the developer integrated real-time ray traced reflections, shadows, and/or global illumination into their tech demo
- Creativity - how well has the developer not only integrated real-time ray traced reflections, shadows, and/or global illumination into their tech demo, but how they have used it (i.e. is this something we did not anticipate?)
- Usability - not only can the judges play the tech demo, but an enjoyable experience has been delivered
- 原创性 – 开发者是否使用了自己的物件
- 技术性 – 考验对于实时光追反射,阴影与GI等的运用
- 创意 – 开发者并不是单纯的集成了实时光线追踪的技术,而是富有创意的运用(如:是否能出乎评委们的意料?)
- 可用性 – 考验技术demo是否可以传递优秀的用户体验
Judgement criteria and submission requirements
- Content creators and/or developers will be asked to integrate either real-time ray traced reflections, global illumination, shadows, and/or ambient occlusion into their tech demo. Winners will be selected based on their use of the above, along with how they utilized Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR in their tech demo.
- Content creators and/or developers will be required to list pre-existing assets that were not made during the submission period.
- Content creators and/or developers will be asked to provide a brief description of how they used Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR and real-time ray traced reflections, global illumination, and/or shadows in their tech demo.
- Content creators and/or developers will be asked how and why Microsoft® DirectX® 12 and DXR and real-time ray traced reflections, global illumination, shadows, and/or ambient occlusion has changed their development process.
- 内容创作者/游戏开发者需要使用到实时光线追踪反射,GI,阴影与/或AO的特性。我们将基于这些技术的运用程度,以及是否合理运用Microsoft® DirectX® 12与DXR来评选优胜者。
- 内容创作者/游戏开发者需要列出在参赛之前已经做好的物件列表。
- 内容创作者/游戏开发者需要提供一段简述,形容自己如何在技术demo中使用了微软DX12和DXR,以及实时光线追踪反射,GI,阴影与/或AO的特性。
- 内容创作者/游戏开发者需要简述Microsoft® DirectX® 12和DXR,以及实时光线追踪反射,GI,阴影与/或AO的特性如何改变了开发流程。