DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

Deprecated List

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.latitude instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.acceleration[1] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.acceleration[0] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.turnrate[2] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.turnrate[1] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.turnrate[0] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientationQuaternion instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientationQuaternion instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientationQuaternion instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientation[2] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientation[1] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientation[0] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.orientationQuaternion instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.longitude instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.altitude instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.course instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.speed instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.climb instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.hdop instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.vdop instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.hacc instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.vacc instead

Use dwGPSFrame.validityInfo.mode instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.heading instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.magnetometer[0] instead

PARK_RECORD is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

INIT is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

DIAG is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

EMT is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

TTBCC is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

FLT is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

PARK_RECORD is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

PARK_RECORD is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

TRANSITION is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

ESP_ASR_CTRL is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

SPORT_OFF is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

SPORT2_OFF is deprecated and should not be used. REL_23_02

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.acceleration[2] instead

dwIMUHeadingType will be removed

dwIMUHeadingType will be removed

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.alignmentStatus instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.magnetometer[2] instead

Use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo.magnetometer[1] instead

Global dwCalibrationEngine_addVehicleIOState (const dwVehicleIOState *vioState, uint32_t sensorIndex, dwCalibrationEngineHandle_t engine)
Use dwCalibrationEngine_addVehicleIONonSafetyState and dwCalibrationEngine_addVehicleIOActuationFeedback instead.
Global dwEgomotionParameters::lateralSlipCoefficient
Deriving lateral slip coefficient from vehicle parameters, unless this parameter is non-zero.
Global dwGPSFrame::flags
flags is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use struct validityInfo and APIs introduced in GPSGetterSetter.h instead
Global dwGPSFrame::gpsMode
gpsMode is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use mode instead
Global dwGPSFrame::utcDate [16]
utcDate is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use utcTime instead
Global dwGPSFrame::utcTime [16]
utcTime is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use utcTime instead
Global dwIMUFlags
dwIMUFlags is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use dwIMUFrame.validityInfo and APIs from IMUGetterSetter.h instead
Global dwIMUFrame::flags
flags is deprecated and will be removed in next major release. Please use APIs provided in IMUGetterSetter.h to access and check validity of signals
Global dwIMUFrame::headingType
headingType is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please don't use this field.
Global dwIMUFrame::timestamp_us
timestamp_us is deprecated and will not be used in the next major release. Please use hostTimestamp or sensorTimestamp instead.
Class dwIMUFrameNew
dwIMUFrameNew is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use dwIMUFrame instead.
Global dwIMUHeadingType
dwIMUHeadingType is deprecated and will be removed in the future
Global dwIMUSignalValidityInfo::timestamp_us
timestamp_us is deprecated and will not be used in the next major release. Please use hostTimestamp or sensorTimestamp instead.
Global dwRig_getVehicle (dwVehicle const **const vehicle, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj)
Use dwRig_getGenericVehicle.
Global dwRig_setVehicle (dwVehicle const *const vehicle, dwRigHandle_t const obj)
Use dwRig_setGenericVehicle.
Class dwVehicle
Use dwGenericVehicle, this dwVehicle struct will be deprecated in an upcoming release.
Global dwVehicle::aerodynamicDragCoeff
Will be removed, unused
Global dwVehicle::aeroHeight
Will be removed, unused
Global dwVehicle::frontalArea
Will be removed, unused
Global dwVehicle::maxEnginePower
Will be removed, unused
Global dwVehicle::rollingResistanceCoeff
Will be removed, unused
Global dwVehicleIO_getVehicleState (dwVehicleIOState *const state, dwVehicleIOHandle_t const obj)
This will be removed in the next major release. Use dwVehicleIO_getNonSafetyState, dwVehicleIO_getSafetyState, or dwVehicleIO_getActuationFeedback instead.
Global dwVehicleIO_sendCommand (const dwVehicleIOCommand *const cmd, dwVehicleIOHandle_t const obj)
This will be removed in the next major release. Use dwVehicleIO_sendNonSafetyCommand or dwVehicleIO_sendSafetyCommand instead.
Global dwVehicleIO_sendMiscCommand (const dwVehicleIOMiscCommand *const cmd, dwVehicleIOHandle_t const obj)
This will be removed in the next major release. Use dwVehicleIO_sendNonSafetyCommand or dwVehicleIO_sendSafetyCommand instead.
Global dwVehicleIOActuationFeedback::latCtrlCurvReqAdditionalStatus
latCtrlCurvReqAdditionalStatus is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIOActuationFeedback::latCtrlEPSLimitStatus
latCtrlEPSLimitStatus is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIOActuationFeedback::longCtrlRedundCheckStatus
longCtrlRedundCheckStatus is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 longCtrlRedundCheckStatus is not necessary.
Global dwVehicleIOActuationFeedback::rearWheelAngleOffset
rearWheelAngleOffset is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 .
Global dwVehicleIOActuationFeedback::rearWheelAngleOffsetQuality
rearWheelAngleOffsetQuality is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 .
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyCommand::emIntegrationHalted
emIntegrationHalted is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::frontHoodState
frontHoodState is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::kickdownStatus
kickdownStatus is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility.
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::lightSensorNightModeRemoved
lightSensorNightModeRemoved is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02 the enum version of lightSensorNightMode should be used instead.
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::lightSensorRequestLowBeamRemoved
lightSensorRequestLowBeamRemoved is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02 the enum version of lightSensorRequestLowBeam should be used instead.
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::lightSensorTunnelRemoved
lightSensorTunnelRemoved is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02 the enum version of lightSensorTunnel should be used instead.
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::microSirenTypeRemoved
microSirenTypeRemoved is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02 the enum version of microSirenType should be used instead.
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::rainLevelRemoved
rainLevelRemoved is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 The newer version of rainLevel should be used instead of this signal.
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::rearTrunkState
rearTrunkState is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::rearWheelAngleOffset
rearWheelAngleOffset is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 .
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::rearWheelAngleOffsetQuality
rearWheelAngleOffsetQuality is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 .
Global dwVehicleIONonSafetyState::stateFunctionSirenDetectionRemoved
stateFunctionSirenDetectionRemoved is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02 stateFunctionSirenDetection should be used instead.
Global dwVehicleIOSafetyCommand::longCtrlHapticWarningRequest
longCtrlHapticWarningRequest is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIOSafetyCommand::longCtrlHapticWarningTargetType
longCtrlHapticWarningTargetType is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_02
Global dwVehicleIOSafetyCommand::longCtrlRedundCheckRequest
longCtrlRedundCheckRequest is no longer supported and exists only for binary layout compatibility. REL_23_06 longCtrlRedundCheckRequest is not necessary.