DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

VehicleIOCapabilities.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  dwVehicleIOCapabilities
 VehicleIO Capabilities. More...



Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwVehicleIOCapabilities

struct dwVehicleIOCapabilities
Data Fields
float32_t brakeValueLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t brakeValueLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t curvatureC0LUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
uint32_t curvatureC0LUTSize Stores the occupied/valid length of curvatureC0LUT.
float32_t curvatureL2PlusLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t curvatureL2PlusLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t curvatureLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t curvatureLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t curvatureRateC0LUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
uint32_t curvatureRateC0LUTSize Stores the occupied/valid length of curvatureRateC0LUT.
float32_t curvatureRateL2PlusLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t curvatureRateL2PlusLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t curvatureRateLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t curvatureRateLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t frontSteeringAngleLowSpeedLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed/10.0 (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = 10.0*i m/s.
int32_t frontSteeringAngleLowSpeedLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t frontSteeringAngleLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t frontSteeringAngleLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t frontSteeringSpeedLowSpeedLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed/10.0 (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = 10.0*i m/s.
int32_t frontSteeringSpeedLowSpeedLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t frontSteeringSpeedLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t frontSteeringSpeedLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t maxAccelerationLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t maxAccelerationLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t minAccelerationLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t minAccelerationLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t reverseSpeedLimit Normally a negative value (m/s)
float32_t steeringSpeedLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t steeringSpeedLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t steeringWheelAngleLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t steeringWheelAngleLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.
float32_t throttleValueLUT[DW_VEHICLEIO_SPEED_LUT_MAX_ENTRIES] Lookup Table indexed by speed (m/s), i.e. LUT[i] is the capability value at speed = i m/s.
int32_t throttleValueLUTSize Size of the corresponding lookup table.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 42 of file VehicleIOCapabilities.h.