DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.10.90 Release
For Test and Development only

GUI Recording Tool
This tool is available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.

This tool is available on the x86 Host System and NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux.

The GUI recording tool builds on top of the TextUI Recording Tool, but provides a graphical user interface for operation and visualizing sensor status.

Starting the Recording Application

Run this tool by executing:

cd /usr/local/driveworks/tools/capture
./recorder-qtgui <rig file> OR <rig_directory>

Using the Interface

The home screen of the recorder GUI is composed of several parts as illustrated in the following screenshot.

  1. Recorder button.
  2. Settings button.
  3. Exit button.
Recording Tool GUI - Home


The main screen of the recorder GUI is composed of several parts as illustrated in the following screenshot:

  1. Main button to return to Home screen.
  2. Route setting drop boxes.
  3. Start Recording control button.
  4. Storage Status info.
  5. Sensor Status.
  6. VIN info.
Recording Tool GUI - Recorder Screen


The route can be set by selecting numbers from the 4 drop boxes. This semantics of route are user-defined, but a file containing this route number will be included in the recording.

Recording Tool GUI - Route

Start Recording

When you press the Record button, the application starts recording and the Start button is replaced by a Stop Recording button.

Recording Tool GUI - Recording

The Elapsed time item marked in the picture indicates the time elapsed since the start of the recording. Pressing the RECORD button again stops the current recording procedure.

The RECORD button will be disabled with the message Disk Full/No Disk in case no valid storage medium is found or the available disks are full.
The RECORD button will be disabled with the message Failure in case one of the sensor initialization fails during startup. The log to diagnose the failure can be found on the console.


If sensor initialization succeeds, a block for the sensor containing its name is added to the grid in the recoder window. These blocks also indicate the data rate (measured at disk sink) for that sensor. The color of this block is used to indicate the status - green and red, respectively.


The Storage field shows the storage usage, including:

  1. Total free percentage.
  2. Estimated remaining recording time.
  3. Usage of each available storage device.

The selection of storage device for the current recording can be made by opening the storage drop box, as shown below.

Recording Tool GUI - Storage


Storage Management

This screen allows one to erase disk volumes that are connected to the device. In a distributed recording environment, this screen has capability to erase disks on all slave devices, as well.

Recording Tool GUI - Storage Management

VIN selection

On the general setting page, the last 6 digits of the VIN number can be selected, and will be in a file in the recording folder.

Recording Tool GUI - VIN Selection

Driver selection

On the general settings page, the name of the driver performing the recording can be selected from a list. This will be included as part of the metadata file (named "aux_info") that is stored in the recording folder.

The list of available driver names is specified in a text file, named "login.txt". This file should contain a single driver name per line, as shown in the example below:

Test Driver #1
Test Driver #2

The "login.txt" file shall be placed in the same directory as the rig configuration file. In case a rig_directory is used, place this file in the rig_directory.

Distributed Recording

See Distributed Recording

Configuring the Recorder

See Configuration Reference