Command Argument Options




Automatically create parent directories even if they have not been explicitly specified in the manifest. Accepted values: 'True/yes', 'False/no'. Default: 'True'


Add an header specified using this argument to QNX BuildFile


Specify the path to a YAML manifest with a list of source path of files that should not be copied to TARGET_DIRECTORY. This is an operation to verify the CopyTarget YAML Manifest


Source file to include when generating buildfiles. Can be specified multiple times.

--version, -v

Prints the program's version number and exits.

Convert YAML copytarget manifests to QNX BuildFile.
--help, -h

Show this help message and exits.

-u UIDMAPFILE, --user-identifier-dictionary=UIDMAPFILE

Explicitly specify the path to the passswd file. This is useful if the target root path does not have ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/etc/passwd file.

-g GIDMAPFILE, --group-identifier-dictionary=GIDMAPFILE

Explicitly specify the path to the group file. This is useful if the target root path does not have${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/etc/group file.


Specify source type. Default value: "pdk_sdk_installed_path".


Specify filesystem type. Only process items in fileList that have required set to yes under filesystems entry in manifest. Default value: "standard".

Do not change ownership of the files.

Specify the path to a YAML manifest with a list of source path of files that can be copied to TARGET_DIRECTORY. This is an operation to verify the CopyTarget YAML Manifest.


Only verify the CopyTarget YAML manifest. By specifying this option CopyTarget will only verify the CopyTarget manifest. At lease one of the following arguments are necessary to specify what needs to be verified: 1) Check for blacklisted files with --blacklist. 2) Check for whitelisted files with --whitelist.