DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.8.83 Release
For Test and Development only

Point Cloud Accumulator

This tutorial demonstrates how to accumulate dwLidarDecodedPacket to a Lidar spin according to the properties specified in dwLidarProperties.

Initialize the point cloud accumulator:

params.filterWindowSize = 1;
params.minAngleDegree = -180.f;
params.maxAngleDegree = 180.f;
params.minDistanceMeter = 0.f;
params.maxDistanceMeter = FLT_MAX;
params.memoryType = DW_MEMORY_TYPE_CUDA;
params.organized = true;
params.enableMotionCompensation = false;
dwPointCloudAccumulator_initialize(&accumulator, &params, lidarProperties, context);
CUDA memory.
Definition: Types.h:191
struct dwPointCloudAccumulatorObject * dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_getDefaultParams(dwPointCloudAccumulatorParams *params)
Gets default point cloud accumulator parameters.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_initialize(dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t *obj, const dwPointCloudAccumulatorParams *accumulationParams, const dwLidarProperties *lidarProperties, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
Initializes point cloud accumulator.
Defines point cloud accumulator parameters.

filterWinSize specifies the horizontal smoothing for the Lidar sweep to reduce the horizontal jitter inherent to the Lidar rotating units. It must be set to be the power of 2 whose exponent ranges from 0 to 4. When set to values other than 1, the Lidar point whose 3D distance is the closest to the Lidar sensor is selected in the horizontal window.

minAngleDegree, maxAngleDegree parameters specify angle range to accumulate points. By default the module returns full 360-degree Lidar sweep.

minDistanceMeter, maxDistanceMeter parameters allows to customize the range of distance in a 360-degree Lidar sweep.

params.type specifies whether the accumulator works on CPU or GPU.

User can also set params.memoryType = DW_MEMORY_TYPE_CPU if CPU memory is expected. Organized point cloud resemble 2D grid which can be indexed by row and column. The organized nature brings up neighborhood relationship which could reduce computational costs for certain tasks. If params.organized = false, such neighborhood relationship is not maintained in the accumulated point cloud. If params.enableMotionCompensation = true, the accumulator will correct the motion distortion during the packet collection. User must initialize params.egomotion with valid egomotion handle. See Relative Egomotion Workflow for egomotion usecase.

The sample specifies CUDA memory in the initialization, user is assumed to allocate CUDA memory to store the output, bind the buffer to the module and set the proper CUDA stream

dwPointCloudAccumulator_bindOutput(&accumulatedSpin, accumulator);
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_bindOutput(dwPointCloud *pointCloud, dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t obj)
Binds output point cloud buffer.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_setCUDAStream(const cudaStream_t stream, dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t obj)
Sets CUDA stream of point cloud accumulator.

To continuously collect the decoded lidar packet until is reaches the packets per spin specified in dwLidarProperties:

bool hasFullSpinReady = false;
dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(&hasFullSpinReady, accumulator);
while (!hasFullSpinReady)
// get decoded lidar packet
dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(lidarPacket, accumulator);
dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(&hasFullSpinReady, accumulator);
// use accumulatedSpin for other tasks
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(const dwLidarDecodedPacket *packet, dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t obj)
Pushes lidar packet to point cloud accumulator.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(bool *isReady, dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t obj)
Indicate that enough data has been collected to perform full combination.

To release the module:

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwPointCloudAccumulator_release(dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t obj)
Releases point cloud accumulator.
output buffer accumulatedSpin should have the same memory type as params.memoryType.

For more details see Point Cloud Processing Sample