DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.8.83 Release
For Test and Development only

Image Capture

This tutorial demonstrates how to utilize the FrameCapture module to capture images from a window rendered on screen.

The FrameCapture module is accessed through a handle:

Definition: Types.h:96
struct dwFrameCaptureObject * dwFrameCaptureHandle_t
Handle to a Frame Capture module object.
Definition: FrameCapture.h:63

Initializing the FrameCapture Module

The dwFrameCaptureHandle_t handle initializes the FrameCapture module with the following parameters, once they are declared and assigned.

dwFrameCaptureParams frameParams{};
std::string params = "type=disk";
params += ",format=h264";
params += ",bitrate=8000000";
params += ",framerate=30";
params += ",file=video.h264";
frameParams.params.parameters = params.c_str();
frameParams.width = imageWidth;
frameParams.height = imageHeight;
frameParams.serializationType = DW_IMAGE_GL;
dwSerializerParams params
SensorSerializer parameters, see SensorSerializer.h.
Definition: FrameCapture.h:97
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwFrameCapture_initialize(dwFrameCaptureHandle_t *obj, const dwFrameCaptureParams *params, dwSALHandle_t sal, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
Create a new frame capture module.
Serialize enables the creation of the serializer which allows the calls to dwFrameCapture_appendFrame...
Definition: FrameCapture.h:70
Screencapture mode allocates GL resources that enable the capture of the current rendering Window via...
Definition: FrameCapture.h:68
Initialization parameters for the frame capture module.
Definition: FrameCapture.h:77
This type is provided here for completeness only.
Definition: Image.h:107
const char8_t * parameters
Array for additional parameters provided to sensor serializer creation.

For a complete description of all parameters, please refer to dwFrameCaptureParams.

For simplicity, steps to render this window are left out of this tutorial. Please refer to Rendering Engine Sample for more information.

Capturing the Window's Content

To capture the content inside the window:

dwRect roiCapture = {0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT};
const dwImageGL* imgGL = nullptr;
dwFrameCapture_screenCapture(&imgGL, roiCapture,frameCapture);
Defines a rectangle.
Definition: Types.h:203
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwFrameCapture_screenCapture(const dwImageGL **imageGL, const dwRect roi, dwFrameCaptureHandle_t framecapture)
It grabs what is currently rendered on the current frame buffer and returns a dwImageGL out of it For...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwFrameCapture_appendFrameGL(const dwImageGL *img, dwFrameCaptureHandle_t framecapture)
Append a dwImageGL frame to the capture and it's serialized.
Defines a GL texture image.
Definition: Image.h:61

Releasing the Handle

To release the handle:

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwFrameCapture_release(dwFrameCaptureHandle_t framecapture)
Releases the frame capture module.

To see a full demonstration of this workflow, please refer to Image Capture Sample.