DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.8.83 Release
For Test and Development only

Render Engine Interface

Detailed Description

Defines RenderEngine related types, structs, and functions.

Data Structures

struct  dwRenderEngineParams
 The initialization parameters for a render engine. More...
struct  dwRenderEngineTileLayout
 The tile layout for the viewport. More...
struct  dwRenderEngineTileState
 The state for a render engine tile. More...


 Maximum number of plots that can be rendered with a single call of dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D() More...


typedef const struct dwRenderEngineObject * dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t
 Const handle for the render engine. More...
typedef dwVector4f dwRenderEngineColorRGBA
 RGBA render color. More...
typedef struct dwRenderEngineObject * dwRenderEngineHandle_t
 Handle for the render engine. More...


enum  dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode {
 An enum that controls how primitive colors are rendered. More...
enum  dwRenderEngineFont {
 The font types for the render engine. More...
enum  dwRenderEnginePlotType {
 An enum that controls the type of plot to render when calling dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D. More...
enum  dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType {
 When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. More...
enum  dwRenderEngineTileLayoutType {
 The layout indicator for size and position of each tile. More...
enum  dwRenderEngineTilePositionType {
 The layout indicator for position of each tile. More...


DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addSplitScreenTiles (uint32_t *firstTileId, uint32_t *secondTileId, bool horizontal, const dwRenderEngineTileState *firstParams, const dwRenderEngineTileState *secondParams, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Adds two render tiles to the render engine that each take up half of the render area (defined by bounds). More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addTile (uint32_t *tileId, const dwRenderEngineTileState *params, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Adds a render tile to the render engine. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addTilesByCount (uint32_t *outTileIds, uint32_t tileCount, uint32_t maxPerRow, const dwRenderEngineTileState *paramsList, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Evenly add render tiles to the screen from left to right. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_beginTextBatch (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Signal the start of a series of text-drawing calls. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_createBuffer (uint32_t *bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Creates a buffer for static drawing. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_createImageGLFromFile (dwImageGL *img, const char *filename, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Reads a file from disk and puts it into an dwImageGL. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_destroyBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Destroys a buffer for static drawing. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_destroyImageGL (const dwImageGL *image, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Releases the memory of a dwImageGL. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_endTextBatch (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Signal the end of a series of text-drawing calls. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBackgroundColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA *color, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile background color. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBounds (dwRectf *bounds, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the bounds for the entire render area. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBufferMaxPrimitiveCount (uint32_t *maxPrimitiveCount, uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the max renderable primitive count for a buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA *color, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile color. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getCoordinateRange2D (dwVector2f *range, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the coordinate range for 2D rendering of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getFont (dwRenderEngineFont *font, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile font. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getLayout (dwRenderEngineTileLayout *layout, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the layout of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getLineWidth (float32_t *lineWidth, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile line width. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getModelView (dwMatrix4f *modelViewMatrix, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the model view matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getPointSize (float32_t *pointSize, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile point size. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getProjection (dwMatrix4f *projectionMatrix, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the projection matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getRenderViewport (dwRectf *viewport, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the render viewport for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getState (dwRenderEngineTileState *state, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the current tile state parameters. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getTile (uint32_t *tileId, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current render tile id. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getTileByScreenCoordinates (uint32_t *tileId, dwVector2f pixelPosition, dwVector2f screenSize, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the tile id that surrounds the input pixel position. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getViewport (dwRectf *viewport, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the user-defined viewport for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initDefaultParams (dwRenderEngineParams *params, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
 Initialize params to default. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initialize (dwRenderEngineHandle_t *engine, const dwRenderEngineParams *params, dwVisualizationContextHandle_t context)
 Initializes a render engine handle. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initTileState (dwRenderEngineTileState *params)
 Initialize tile params to default state. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_mapBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, void **buffer, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t sizeBytes, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 maps internal buffer for data operations. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_release (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Releases the render engine handle. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_removeTile (uint32_t tileId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Removes a render tile from the render engine. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_render (dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render an external buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render the buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderBufferWithLabels (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, const char **labels, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render the internal buffer with labels. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid2D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders an elliptical grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid3D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders an elliptical grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderImage2D (const dwImageGL *img, dwRectf plane, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a 2D image within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderImage3D (const dwImageGL *img, dwRectf plane, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a 2D image in 3D space within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid2D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid3D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D (dwRenderEnginePlotType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, const char *label, dwVector4f range, dwRectf plane, dwRenderEngineColorRGBA axesColor, float32_t axesWidth, const char *title, const char *xLabel, const char *yLabel, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a plot in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D (const dwRenderEnginePlotType *types, const void **buffers, const uint32_t *vertexStridesBytes, const uint32_t *offsetsBytes, const uint32_t *bufferCounts, const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA *colors, const float32_t *lineWidths, const char **labels, uint32_t plotsCount, dwVector4f range, dwRectf plane, dwRenderEngineColorRGBA axesColor, float32_t axesWidth, const char *title, const char *xLabel, const char *yLabel, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders multiple plots in one graph. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderText2D (const char *text, dwVector2f pos, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders text within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderText3D (const char *text, dwVector3f pos, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders text within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabel (dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, const char *label, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render an external buffer with one label. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabels (dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, const char *labels[], uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render an external buffer with labels. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_reset (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Resets the state of all render tiles and clears the display. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_resetTile (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Resets the state of the current tile and clears the display. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_screenToWorld3D (dwVector3f *worldPosition, dwVector2f pixelPosition, dwVector2f screenSize, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the world coordinate in 3D based on screen pixel input. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBackgroundColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the background color of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBounds (dwRectf bounds, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the bounds for the entire render area. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Set the data for a buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid2D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with an elliptical grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid3D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with an elliptical grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid2D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with a grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid3D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with a grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the foreground drawing color of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setColorByValue (dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode mode, float32_t scale, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the color of the primitives to be rendered based on their values. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D (dwVector2f range, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the coordinate range for 2D rendering of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setFont (dwRenderEngineFont font, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the font for text drawn in the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLayout (dwRenderEngineTileLayout layout, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the layout of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLineWidth (float32_t lineWidth, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the line width of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLookAt (dwVector3f eye, dwVector3f center, dwVector3f up, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the model view matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLookAtByAngles (float32_t xAngleRadians, float32_t yAngleRadians, float32_t distance, dwVector3f center, dwVector3f up, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Defines the camera position on a sphere surface around a center point, with the camera looking towards that center point. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setModelView (const dwMatrix4f *modelViewMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the model view matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setOrthoProjection (float32_t left, float32_t right, float32_t bottom, float32_t top, float32_t near, float32_t far, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets up an orthographic projection for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setPerspectiveProjection (float32_t fovRadsY, float32_t aspect, float32_t near, float32_t far, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the projection matrix for the current tile as defined by the parameters. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setPointSize (float32_t pointSize, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the point size of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setProjection (const dwMatrix4f *projectionMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the projection matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setState (const dwRenderEngineTileState *state, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Set the current tile state parameters. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setTile (uint32_t tileId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the state of the engine to be a particular tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setViewport (dwRectf viewport, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the user-defined viewport which is used in conjunction with the other layout parameters to compute the render viewport. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_unmapBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Unmaps the internal buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_world3DToScreen (dwVector2f *pixelPosition, dwVector3f worldPosition, dwVector2f screenSize, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the screen coordinate in based on world 3D input. More...


static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BITTERSWEET = {1.0f, 112.0f / 255.0f, 94.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BLACK = {0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BLUE = {32.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_CYAN = {0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKBLUE = {45.0f / 255.0f, 44.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 0.6f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKBROWN = {101.0f / 255.0f, 67.0f / 255.0f, 33.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKGREEN = {45.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 44.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKGREY = {72.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKPURPLE = {70.0f / 255.0f, 39.0f / 255.0f, 89.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKRED = {180.0f / 255.0f, 5.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_GREEN = {32.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 32.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE = {51.0f / 255.0f, 153.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 0.6f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN = {118.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTGREY = {185.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_ORANGE = {230.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_PINK = {1.0f, 113.0f / 255.0f, 181.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_PURPLE = {255.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 240.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_RED = {230.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 32.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_WHITE = {255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_YELLOW = {230.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
 Maximum number of tiles that can be added. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwRenderEngineParams

struct dwRenderEngineParams
Data Fields
dwRectf bounds The default display bounds.
uint32_t bufferSize Default buffer size for rendering primitives in bytes.

This buffer size is used to allocate an internal GPU buffer which is then used when rendering data. Any data that is passed into dwRenderEngine_render will be copied directly to the GPU. This means that if you choose to have an array of structs but only the first two entries in that struct represent the data to be rendered, you can pass it directly to render without massaging the data but your initial buffer size must be large enough to handle it.

dwRenderEngineTileState defaultTile The default tile.
uint32_t maxBufferCount Maximum static buffer count.

This is used for dwRenderEngine_addBuffer and dwRenderEngine_removeBuffer. It allocates buffers for static rendering. Internally, the default bufferId (0) always exists and any extra buffers are allocated by this amount.

◆ dwRenderEngineTileLayout

struct dwRenderEngineTileLayout
Data Fields
float32_t aspectRatio The aspect ratio for the tile.
dwRenderEngineTileLayoutType positionLayout The layout indicator for position.
dwRenderEngineTilePositionType positionType The position type that determines how the position coordinates are interpreted.
dwRenderEngineTileLayoutType sizeLayout The layout indicator for size.
bool useAspectRatio Use aspect ratio.
dwRectf viewport The viewport for the tile.

◆ dwRenderEngineTileState

struct dwRenderEngineTileState
Data Fields
dwRenderEngineColorRGBA backgroundColor The background color.
dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color Color of the rendering primitives in the tile.
dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode colorByValueMode Color by value mode.
dwVector2f coordinateRange2D The normalization factor for 2D rendering.
dwRenderEngineFont font The font.
dwRenderEngineTileLayout layout The layout which includes the viewport.
float32_t lineWidth The line width.
dwMatrix4f modelViewMatrix The model view matrix.
float32_t pointSize The point size.
dwMatrix4f projectionMatrix The projection matrix for the camera.

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximum number of plots that can be rendered with a single call of dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D()

Definition at line 143 of file RenderEngine.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t

typedef const struct dwRenderEngineObject* dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t

Const handle for the render engine.

Definition at line 60 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEngineColorRGBA

RGBA render color.

Definition at line 146 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEngineHandle_t

typedef struct dwRenderEngineObject* dwRenderEngineHandle_t

Handle for the render engine.

Definition at line 58 of file RenderEngine.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode

An enum that controls how primitive colors are rendered.

See also

Render according to tile current color.


Render the hue by distance to origin.


Render the hue by distance in x direction.


Render the hue by distance in y direction.


Render the hue by distance in z direction.


Render the hue by distance in xy directions.


Render the hue by distance in xz directions.


Render the hue by distance in yz directions.


Render the hue by intensity value (Last value of primitives.

For example, if rendering 2D boxes with color per box data layout is x,y,width,height,intensity)


Render the color with the primitive interleaved This requires the data have RGBA values interleaved with the render buffer data.

For example, 2D points using this option would be passed in as: x1,y1,r1,g1,b1,a1,x2,y2,r2,g2,b2,a2, etc.

Definition at line 171 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEngineFont

The font types for the render engine.


Definition at line 63 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEnginePlotType

An enum that controls the type of plot to render when calling dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D.


Render plot as point values. Data layout is x,y,x,y.


Render plot as line strip. Data layout is x,y,x,y.


Render plot as histogram. Data layout is y,y,y,y.

Definition at line 133 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType

When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D.

When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.


Interleaved is x,y,x,y Min vertex size is 2 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,z,x,y,z Min vertex size is 3 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,x,y Min vertex size is 2 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,z,x,y,z Min vertex size is 3 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,x,y Min vertex size is 2 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,z,x,y,z Min vertex size is 3 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,x,y Min vertex size is 2 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,z,x,y,z Min vertex size is 3 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,width,height,x,y,width,height Min vertex size is 4 floats.


Interleaved is x,y,z,width,height,depth,x,y,z,width,height,depth Min vertex size is 6 floats.


Interleaved is 8 sets of (x,y,z) representing the 8 vertices of an oriented box Min vertex size is 24 floats.


Interleaved is center x,y,x radius,y radius,x,y,x radius,y radius Min vertex size is 4 floats.


Interleaved is center x,y,z,x radius,y radius Min vertex size is 5 floats.


Interleaved is start x,start y,end y,end x Min vertex size is 4 floats.


Interleaved is start x,start y,start z,end y,end x,end z Min vertex size is 6 floats.


Definition at line 81 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEngineTileLayoutType

The layout indicator for size and position of each tile.


Layout the position or size in a fixed position and size.

This means viewport coordinates should be in terms of absolute window pixels.


Layout the position or size relative to the bounds of the render engine.

This means viewport coordinates should be values from 0.0 to 1.0.

Definition at line 203 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ dwRenderEngineTilePositionType

The layout indicator for position of each tile.


Layout the position relative to the top left of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the top left (x going right, y going down). Anchor point is top left of tile.


Layout the position relative to the top of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the top center (x going right, y going down). Anchor point is top center of tile.


Layout the position relative to the top right of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the top right (x going left, y going down). Anchor point is top right of tile.


Layout the position relative to the bottom left of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the bottom left (x going right, y going up). Anchor point is bottom left of tile.


Layout the position relative to the bottom of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the bottom center (x going right, y going up). Anchor point is bottom center of tile.


Layout the position relative to the bottom right of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the bottom right (x going left, y going up). Anchor point is bottom right of tile.


Layout the position relative to the left of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the left center (x going right, y going down). Anchor point is center left of tile.


Layout the position relative to the right of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the right center (x going left, y going down). Anchor point is center right of tile.


Layout the position relative to the center of the bounds.

x and y positions will be offsets from the center (x going right, y going down). Anchor point is center of tile.


Layout the position in a grid.

This enum should never be chosen but is used internally when calling dwRenderEngine_addTilesByCount.

Definition at line 218 of file RenderEngine.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dwRenderEngine_addSplitScreenTiles()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addSplitScreenTiles ( uint32_t *  firstTileId,
uint32_t *  secondTileId,
bool  horizontal,
const dwRenderEngineTileState firstParams,
const dwRenderEngineTileState secondParams,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Adds two render tiles to the render engine that each take up half of the render area (defined by bounds).

firstTileIdThe id of the first tile added (either left or top depending on whether or not horizontal option is chosen).
secondTileIdThe id of the second tile (either right or bottom).
horizontalControls the layout of the two tiles. If true, the tiles are laid out in horizontal rows (top to bottom). If false,the tiles are laid out left to right.
firstParamsThe tile parameters for the first tile.
secondParamsThe tile parameters for the second tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully added split screen render tiles. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_addTile()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addTile ( uint32_t *  tileId,
const dwRenderEngineTileState params,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Adds a render tile to the render engine.

By default,the render engine always has 1 tile (tileId == 0) which is defined by the initialization params of the render engine.

tileIdThe output tile id that is added.
paramsThe tile params to define the settings of the tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully added a render tile. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_addTilesByCount()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addTilesByCount ( uint32_t *  outTileIds,
uint32_t  tileCount,
uint32_t  maxPerRow,
const dwRenderEngineTileState paramsList,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Evenly add render tiles to the screen from left to right.

If tiles,do not fill up the space of the render area evenly,the last row of the render tiles will not fill the entire row (that's where the left over tiles get placed).

outTileIdsAn array of size tileCount that is populated by ids of the newly added render tiles.
tileCountThe number of requested tiles to add.
maxPerRowThe max count of tiles per row.
paramsListAn array of params with size tileCount for each of the new tiles.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully added screen render tiles. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_beginTextBatch()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_beginTextBatch ( dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine)

Signal the start of a series of text-drawing calls.

Issuing non-text-rendering calls between beginTextBatch and endTextBatch will cause undefined rendering results.

engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_createBuffer()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_createBuffer ( uint32_t *  bufferId,
dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Creates a buffer for static drawing.

This function allocates memory on the heap and GPU. When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left. When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

bufferIdPointer with which to populate handle to buffer.
typeThe type of data to render.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
primitiveCountThe number of primitives in the buffer.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_createImageGLFromFile()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_createImageGLFromFile ( dwImageGL img,
const char *  filename,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Reads a file from disk and puts it into an dwImageGL.

Currently only supports png format.

imgPointer to the image.
filenameFile name of the image.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_destroyBuffer()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_destroyBuffer ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Destroys a buffer for static drawing.

bufferIdHandle to a buffer.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_destroyImageGL()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_destroyImageGL ( const dwImageGL image,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Releases the memory of a dwImageGL.

imageThe image.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_endTextBatch()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_endTextBatch ( dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine)

Signal the end of a series of text-drawing calls.

Issuing non-text-rendering calls between beginTextBatch and endTextBatch will cause undefined rendering results.

engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getBackgroundColor()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBackgroundColor ( dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the current tile background color.

colorPointer to location with which to populate the current tile color.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getBounds()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBounds ( dwRectf bounds,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the bounds for the entire render area.

This is used for the layout of the render tiles.

boundsThe pointer to a rect that will be populated with the bounds for the render engine.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getBufferMaxPrimitiveCount()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBufferMaxPrimitiveCount ( uint32_t *  maxPrimitiveCount,
uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Get the max renderable primitive count for a buffer.

This is the max primitive count that can be rendered after dwRenderEngine_setBuffer or dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid2D/3D or dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipiticalGrid2D/3D has been called.

[out]maxPrimitiveCountA pointer with which to populate the max primitive count.
bufferIdHandle to a buffer added with dwRenderEngine_addBuffer.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getColor()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getColor ( dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the current tile color.

colorPointer to location with which to populate the current tile color.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getCoordinateRange2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getCoordinateRange2D ( dwVector2f range,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the coordinate range for 2D rendering of the current tile.

This controls the normalization of the data passed into render.

rangeThe pointer to range where x is the width and y is the height.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getFont()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getFont ( dwRenderEngineFont font,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the current tile font.

fontPointer to location with which to populate the current tile font.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.n

◆ dwRenderEngine_getLayout()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getLayout ( dwRenderEngineTileLayout layout,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the layout of the current tile.

layoutPointer to the location with which to populate the layout.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getLineWidth()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getLineWidth ( float32_t lineWidth,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the current tile line width.

lineWidthPointer to a location with which to populate the current tile line width.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getModelView()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getModelView ( dwMatrix4f modelViewMatrix,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the model view matrix for the current tile.

If no tile has been set (

See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will deliver the model view matrix for the default tile (tileId == 0).
modelViewMatrixA pointer to the model view matrix of the tile to be filled by this function.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getPointSize()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getPointSize ( float32_t pointSize,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the current tile point size.

pointSizePointer to a location with which to populate the current tile point size.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getProjection()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getProjection ( dwMatrix4f projectionMatrix,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the projection matrix for the current tile.

If no tile has been set (

See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will deliver the projection matrix for the default tile (tileId == 0).
projectionMatrixA pointer to the projection matrix of the tile to be filled by this function.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getRenderViewport()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getRenderViewport ( dwRectf viewport,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the render viewport for the current tile.

The render viewport is set internally and cannot be set externally. It is the actual pixel viewport that is used to draw into the tile. If no tile has been set (

See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will deliver the render viewport for the default tile (tileId == 0).
viewportA pointer to the render viewport of the tile to be filled by this function.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getState()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getState ( dwRenderEngineTileState state,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Get the current tile state parameters.

statePointer location with which to populate the tile state.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getTile()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getTile ( uint32_t *  tileId,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the current render tile id.

tileIdPointer location of where the function will populate the current tile id.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully returned the render tile id. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getTileByScreenCoordinates()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getTileByScreenCoordinates ( uint32_t *  tileId,
dwVector2f  pixelPosition,
dwVector2f  screenSize,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the tile id that surrounds the input pixel position.

If multiple tiles surround the same point, the most recently added tile id will be returned.

tileIdThe output of the tile that surrounds the input point.
pixelPositionThe input point.
screenSizeThe size of the window screen.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_getViewport()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getViewport ( dwRectf viewport,
dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Gets the user-defined viewport for the current tile.

This differs from the render viewport because it is user defined and is used in conjunction with the layout parameters to generate the render viewport. If no tile has been set (

See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will deliver the viewport for the default tile (tileId == 0).
viewportA pointer to the viewport of the tile to be filled by this function.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_initDefaultParams()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initDefaultParams ( dwRenderEngineParams params,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height 

Initialize params to default.

paramsThe parameters.
widthThe raster width.
heightThe raster height.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully initialized parameters. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in.

◆ dwRenderEngine_initialize()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initialize ( dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine,
const dwRenderEngineParams params,
dwVisualizationContextHandle_t  context 

Initializes a render engine handle.

engineA pointer to a render engine handle.
paramsThe initialization params.
contextThe dw context.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully initialized. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_initTileState()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initTileState ( dwRenderEngineTileState params)

Initialize tile params to default state.

paramsThe tile parameters.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully initialized parameters. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in.

◆ dwRenderEngine_mapBuffer()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_mapBuffer ( uint32_t  bufferId,
void **  buffer,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
uint32_t  sizeBytes,
dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

maps internal buffer for data operations.

Populate this buffer to render data.

bufferIdHandle to a buffer added with dwRenderEngine_addBuffer.
bufferThe buffer to populate the data with.
offsetBytesThe offset into the internal buffer.
sizeBytesThe size to map.
typeThe primitive type to map.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_release()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_release ( dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine)

Releases the render engine handle.

engineThe render engine handle to be released.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully released. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_removeTile()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_removeTile ( uint32_t  tileId,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Removes a render tile from the render engine.

tileIdThe id of the tile to remove.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully removed render tile. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_render()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_render ( dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Render an external buffer.

This method will copy data to the internal buffer. When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left. When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

typeThe type of data to render.
bufferThe data.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
primitiveCountThe number of primitives to render.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderBuffer()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderBuffer ( uint32_t  bufferId,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Render the buffer.

When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left. When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

bufferIdHandle to a buffer added with dwRenderEngine_addBuffer.
primitiveCountThe number of primitives to render.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderBufferWithLabels()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderBufferWithLabels ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
const char **  labels,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Render the internal buffer with labels.

bufferIdHandle to a buffer added with dwRenderEngine_addBuffer.
typeThe type of data to render.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
labelsThe array of text labels.
primitiveCountThe number of primitives to render.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid2D ( dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders an elliptical grid in 2D.

planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid3D ( dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
const dwMatrix4f modelMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders an elliptical grid in 3D.

The ellipse is rendered on the x,y plane with z coordinates set to zero. The ellipse can then be transformed in 3D by the model matrix.

planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
modelMatrixThe model matrix that defines where this grid is in the world.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderImage2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderImage2D ( const dwImageGL img,
dwRectf  plane,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders a 2D image within the current tile.

When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left.

imgThe image to render.
planeThe bounds of the image.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderImage3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderImage3D ( const dwImageGL img,
dwRectf  plane,
const dwMatrix4f modelMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders a 2D image in 3D space within the current tile.

When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

imgThe image to render.
planeThe plane on which to render the image.
modelMatrixThe model matrix of the plane within the world.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid2D ( dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders a grid in 2D.

planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid3D ( dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
const dwMatrix4f modelMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders a grid in 3D.

The plane is rendered on the x,y plane with z coordinates set to zero. The plane can then be transformed in 3D by the model matrix.

planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
modelMatrixThe model matrix that defines where this grid is in the world.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D ( dwRenderEnginePlotType  type,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
const char *  label,
dwVector4f  range,
dwRectf  plane,
dwRenderEngineColorRGBA  axesColor,
float32_t  axesWidth,
const char *  title,
const char *  xLabel,
const char *  yLabel,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders a plot in 2D.

typeThe type of plot to render.
bufferThe data to render.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
primitiveCountThe number of primitives in the data.
labelThe label of the plot data.
rangeThe range for the data. The range for the the lower limits can be determined automatically if infinity is passed in for any of the values. X and y represent min x and min y, respectively and z and w represent max x and max y respectively.
planeThe plane to render the plot in.
axesColorThe color of the axes.
axesWidthThe line width of the axes.
titleThe title of the plot.
xLabelThe label for the x-axis.
yLabelThe label for the y-axis.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D ( const dwRenderEnginePlotType types,
const void **  buffers,
const uint32_t *  vertexStridesBytes,
const uint32_t *  offsetsBytes,
const uint32_t *  bufferCounts,
const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA colors,
const float32_t lineWidths,
const char **  labels,
uint32_t  plotsCount,
dwVector4f  range,
dwRectf  plane,
dwRenderEngineColorRGBA  axesColor,
float32_t  axesWidth,
const char *  title,
const char *  xLabel,
const char *  yLabel,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders multiple plots in one graph.

typesThe types of plots to render.
buffersThe buffers for each plot.
vertexStridesBytesThe strides for each plot of each piece of data. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetsBytesThe offsets for each plot of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
bufferCountsThe sizes of each buffer in buffers.
colorsThe colors for each plot. If null then tile color will be used.
lineWidthsThe line widths or point sizes for each plot. If null, then the tile state will be used.
labelsThe labels for each plot. If null, then no label will be given for each plot.
plotsCountThe number of buffers.
rangeThe range for the data. The range for the the lower limits can be determined automatically if infinity is passed in for any of the values. X and y represent min x and min y, respectively and z and w represent max x and max y respectively.
planeThe plane to render the plot in.
axesColorThe color of the axes.
axesWidthThe line width of the axes.
titleThe title of the plot.
xLabelThe label for the x-axis.
yLabelThe label for the y-axis.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderText2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderText2D ( const char *  text,
dwVector2f  pos,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders text within the current tile.

When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left.

textThe pointer to the text structure.
posThe position in 2D of the text.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderText3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderText3D ( const char *  text,
dwVector3f  pos,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Renders text within the current tile.

When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

textThe pointer to the text structure.
posThe position of the text to be rendered in 3D. This will ultimately be mapped to the correct 2D position by the function,as text only renders in 2D.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabel()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabel ( dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
const char *  label,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Render an external buffer with one label.

This method will copy data to the internal buffer. When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left. When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

typeThe type of data to render.
bufferThe data.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
labelThe text label.
primitiveCountThe number of primitives to render.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabels()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabels ( dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
const char *  labels[],
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Render an external buffer with labels.

This method will copy data to the internal buffer. When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. The origin is at the top left. When rendering 3D data the coordinate system is NDC.

typeThe type of data to render.
bufferThe data.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
labelsThe array of text labels.
primitiveCountThe number of primitives to render.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_reset()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_reset ( dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine)

Resets the state of all render tiles and clears the display.

Sets the current render tile to the default render tile 0.

engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully reset. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_resetTile()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_resetTile ( dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine)

Resets the state of the current tile and clears the display.

engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully reset. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_screenToWorld3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_screenToWorld3D ( dwVector3f worldPosition,
dwVector2f  pixelPosition,
dwVector2f  screenSize,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Get the world coordinate in 3D based on screen pixel input.

worldPositionThe output world position in 3D.
pixelPositionThe pixel position.
screenSizeThe size of the window screen.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBackgroundColor()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBackgroundColor ( dwRenderEngineColorRGBA  color,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the background color of the current tile.

colorThe color.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBounds()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBounds ( dwRectf  bounds,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the bounds for the entire render area.

This is used for the layout of the render tiles. For example if you wanted to only use a portion of the window for the render engine, the bounds should be set to only a portion of the window. This would then only allow tiles to be rendered within these bounds.

boundsThe rect defining the bounds in the window.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBuffer()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBuffer ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  vertexStrideBytes,
uint32_t  offsetBytes,
uint32_t  primitiveCount,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Set the data for a buffer.

This is useful for static data.

bufferIdHandle to a buffer added with dwRenderEngine_addBuffer.
typeThe type of data to render.
bufferThe data.
vertexStrideBytesThe stride of each vertex. This should be the total size of each element passed into render. For example, if passing in an array of structs, it should be the size of the struct, even if that struct contains more than just the vertex.
offsetBytesThe offset of each piece of data. This should be to offset in bytes to the primitive data. For example, if passing in an array of structs, and each struct contains an x,y position of a 2D point then this needs to be the offset to the x,y fields. If the x,y fields are the 2nd and 3rd elements of the struct and the first field is an int, then the offset should be sizeof(int).
primitiveCountThe number of primitives to render.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid2D ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Fills a buffer with an elliptical grid in 2D.

bufferIdThe buffer id to fill.
planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid3D ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
const dwMatrix4f modelMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Fills a buffer with an elliptical grid in 3D.

The ellipse is rendered on the x,y plane with z coordinates set to zero. The ellipse can then be transformed in 3D by the model matrix.

bufferIdThe buffer id to fill.
planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
modelMatrixThe model matrix that defines where this grid is in the world.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid2D ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Fills a buffer with a grid in 2D.

bufferIdThe buffer id to fill.
planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid3D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid3D ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRectf  plane,
float32_t  xSpacing,
float32_t  ySpacing,
const dwMatrix4f modelMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Fills a buffer with a grid in 3D.

The planeis rendered on the x,y plane with z coordinates set to zero. The plane can then be transformed in 3D by the model matrix.

bufferIdThe buffer id to fill.
planeThis plane defines the center point (x,y) and the radius in the x, y directions (width, height).
xSpacingThe spacing of the lines in the x direction.
ySpacingThe spacing of the lines in the y direction.
modelMatrixThe model matrix that defines where this grid is in the world.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setColor()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setColor ( dwRenderEngineColorRGBA  color,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the foreground drawing color of the current tile.

colorThe color.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setColorByValue()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setColorByValue ( dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode  mode,
float32_t  scale,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the color of the primitives to be rendered based on their values.

DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BY_VALUE_MODE_INTENSITY only works with an extra value passed in for each interleaved piece of data using this mode. Also, in this mode, scale is ignored. For example, a 2D point would go from x,y,x,y to x,y,i, x,y,i where i is the intensity value. Obviously, this would also increase the stride passed into the dwRenderEngine_render function.
modeThe mode by which to interpolate the color values.
scaleThe scale represents how far before the color gamut recycles.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D ( dwVector2f  range,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the coordinate range for 2D rendering of the current tile.

If passing in data that is not from 0 to 1 for 2D rendering, this function will modulate the normalization factors to put the data automatically in the 0 to 1 range. If rendering image space coordinates, this should be the width and height of the image.

rangeThe range where x is the width and y is the height.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setFont()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setFont ( dwRenderEngineFont  font,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the font for text drawn in the current tile.

fontThe font.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setLayout()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLayout ( dwRenderEngineTileLayout  layout,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the layout of the current tile.

layoutThe layout of the current tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setLineWidth()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLineWidth ( float32_t  lineWidth,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the line width of the current tile.

lineWidthThe line width.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.
Maximal line width supported depends on the GL implementation, typical range is 0.5 - 10 px. Use glGetFloatv(GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, ...) to query for maximal line width range. In case if smoothed lines are active, i.e. glIsEnabled(GL_LINE_SMOOTH), query using GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setLookAt()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLookAt ( dwVector3f  eye,
dwVector3f  center,
dwVector3f  up,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the model view matrix for the current tile.

eyeThe eye vector.
centerThe center vector.
upThe up vector.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setLookAtByAngles()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLookAtByAngles ( float32_t  xAngleRadians,
float32_t  yAngleRadians,
float32_t  distance,
dwVector3f  center,
dwVector3f  up,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Defines the camera position on a sphere surface around a center point, with the camera looking towards that center point.

The position on the sphere surface is defined by 2 angles and a distance. Defines the look at eye vector by angles and distance with the following equation: dwVector3f eye{}; eye.x = distance * cos(yAngleRadians) * cos(xAngleRadians); eye.y = distance * cos(yAngleRadians) * sin(xAngleRadians); eye.z = distance * sin(yAngleRadians);

xAngleRadiansThe x angle in radians for the eye vector.
yAngleRadiansThe y angle in radians for the eye vector.
distanceThe distance from the center for the eye vector.
centerThe center vector.
upThe up vector.
engineThe render engine.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setModelView()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setModelView ( const dwMatrix4f modelViewMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the model view matrix for the current tile.

If no tile has been set (

See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will use the model view matrix for the default tile (tileId == 0).
modelViewMatrixA pointer to the model view matrix of the tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setOrthoProjection()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setOrthoProjection ( float32_t  left,
float32_t  right,
float32_t  bottom,
float32_t  top,
float32_t  near,
float32_t  far,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets up an orthographic projection for the current tile.

leftThe left of the ortho projection.
rightThe right of the ortho projection.
bottomThe bottom of the ortho projection.
topThe top of the ortho projection.
nearThe near plane.
farThe far plane.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setPerspectiveProjection()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setPerspectiveProjection ( float32_t  fovRadsY,
float32_t  aspect,
float32_t  near,
float32_t  far,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the projection matrix for the current tile as defined by the parameters.

fovRadsYThe field of view in the y direction in radians.
aspectThe aspect ratio.
nearThe near threshold.
farThe far threshold.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setPointSize()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setPointSize ( float32_t  pointSize,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the point size of the current tile.

pointSizeThe point size.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setProjection()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setProjection ( const dwMatrix4f projectionMatrix,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the projection matrix for the current tile.

If no tile has been set (

See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will use the projection matrix for the default tile (tileId == 0).
projectionMatrixA pointer to the projection matrix of the tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setState()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setState ( const dwRenderEngineTileState state,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Set the current tile state parameters.

stateThe state of the tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setTile()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setTile ( uint32_t  tileId,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the state of the engine to be a particular tile.

All render engine calls that follow will be bound to this tile.

tileIdThe id of the tile.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successfully set the render tile. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_setViewport()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setViewport ( dwRectf  viewport,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Sets the user-defined viewport which is used in conjunction with the other layout parameters to compute the render viewport.

viewportThe viewport bounds. If no tile has been set (
See also
dwRenderEngine_setTile) it will use the viewport for the default tile (tileId == 0).
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_unmapBuffer()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_unmapBuffer ( uint32_t  bufferId,
dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType  type,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Unmaps the internal buffer.

bufferIdHandle to a buffer added with dwRenderEngine_addBuffer.
typeThe primitive type to unmap.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

◆ dwRenderEngine_world3DToScreen()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_world3DToScreen ( dwVector2f pixelPosition,
dwVector3f  worldPosition,
dwVector2f  screenSize,
dwRenderEngineHandle_t  engine 

Get the screen coordinate in based on world 3D input.

pixelPositionThe output pixel position.
worldPositionThe input world position in 3D.
screenSizeThe size of the window screen.
engineThe render engine handle.
DW_SUCCESS When successful. DW_FAILURE When unsuccessful. DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT When an invalid argument is passed in. DW_GL_ERROR When there is an OpenGL error.

Variable Documentation


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BITTERSWEET = {1.0f, 112.0f / 255.0f, 94.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 167 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BLACK = {0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 162 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BLUE = {32.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 151 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_CYAN = {0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 164 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKBLUE = {45.0f / 255.0f, 44.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 0.6f}

Definition at line 158 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKBROWN = {101.0f / 255.0f, 67.0f / 255.0f, 33.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 165 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKGREEN = {45.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 44.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 154 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKGREY = {72.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 157 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKPURPLE = {70.0f / 255.0f, 39.0f / 255.0f, 89.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 166 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKRED = {180.0f / 255.0f, 5.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 149 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_GREEN = {32.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 32.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 152 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE = {51.0f / 255.0f, 153.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 0.6f}

Definition at line 161 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN = {118.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 155 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTGREY = {185.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 156 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_ORANGE = {230.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 160 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_PINK = {1.0f, 113.0f / 255.0f, 181.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 163 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_PURPLE = {255.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 240.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 150 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_RED = {230.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 32.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 148 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_WHITE = {255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 153 of file RenderEngine.h.


const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_YELLOW = {230.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}

Definition at line 159 of file RenderEngine.h.



Maximum number of tiles that can be added.

Definition at line 76 of file RenderEngine.h.