DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.8.83 Release
For Test and Development only

DNN with Safe DLA

This code snippet demonstrates the how the DNN module with safe DLA enabled is typically used. Note that error handling is left out for clarity.

Initialize network from file.

In order to be able to use safe DLA, the model must be generated using --useSafeDLA option via TensorRT Optimizer Tool tool. The processor type, while initializing DNN, must be either DW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_DLA_0 or DW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_DLA_1 depending on which DLA engine the inference should take place.

// Load the DNN from a file. Note that the DNN model has to be generated with the tensorRT_optimization tool.
dwDNNHandle_t dnn = nullptr;
dwDNN_initializeTensorRTFromFile(&dnn, "network.dla", nullptr, DW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_DLA_0, contextHandle);
Definition: Types.h:171
struct dwDNNObject * dwDNNHandle_t
Handles representing Deep Neural Network interface.
Definition: DNN.h:62
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_initializeTensorRTFromFile(dwDNNHandle_t *const network, const char8_t *const modelFilename, const dwDNNPluginConfiguration *const pluginConfiguration, dwProcessorType const processorType, dwContextHandle_t const context)
Creates and initializes a TensorRT Network from file.

Check that the loaded network has the expected number of inputs and outputs.

// Find out the number of input and output blobs in the netowrk
uint32_t numInputs = 0;
uint32_t numOutputs = 0;
dwDNN_getInputBlobCount(&numInputs, dnn);
dwDNN_getOutputBlobCount(&numOutputs, dnn);
if (numInputs != 1) {
std::cerr << "Expected a DNN with one input blob." << std::endl;
return -1;
if (numOutputs != 1) {
std::cerr << "Expected a DNN with one output blobs." << std::endl;
return -1;
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getInputBlobCount(uint32_t *const count, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Gets the input blob count.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getOutputBlobCount(uint32_t *const count, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Gets the output blob count.

Ask the DNN about the order of the input and output blobs. The network is assumed to contain the input blob "data_in" and output blobs "data_out1" and "data_out2".

uint32_t inputIndex = 0;
uint32_t output1Index = 0;
// Find indices of blobs by their name.
dwDNN_getInputIndex(&inputIndex, "data_in", dnn);
dwDNN_getOutputIndex(&output1Index, "data_out1", dnn);
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getOutputIndex(uint32_t *const blobIndex, const char8_t *const blobName, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Gets the index of an output blob with a given blob name.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getInputIndex(uint32_t *const blobIndex, const char8_t *const blobName, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Gets the index of an input blob with a given blob name.

Note that, safe DLA requires RGBA input with interleaved channels, and it provides outputs with a NCHWx format.

NCHWx format's layout is equivalent to a C array with dimensions [N][(C+x-1)/x][H][W][x], with the tensor coordinates (n, c, h, w) mapping to array subscript [n][c/x][h][w][cx] where:

N: Batch size n: Batch index C: Number of planes c: Plane index H: Height h: Vertical index W: Width w: horizontal index x: Number of interleaved elements

DLA dictates that x is equal to 32 / sizeof(DataType); therefore, for a tensor with FP16 precision, x is 16.

Moreover, the input and output to a safe DLA model are expected to be tensors of type NvMedia. In order to simplify the process of inference, dwDataConditioner and dwDNN modules provide the streaming and conversion functionalities.

In dwDNNTensors, the dimensions for NCHWx are stored as:

dims = {numChannels % x, W, H, (numChannels + x - 1U) / x, N};

Therefore, in order to compute the number of channels, which is needed for conversion to NCHW:

numChannels = (dims[2] - 1) * x + dims[0];

Below, we shall make use of these features:

// Get tensor properties and allocate tensors.
dwDNNTensorHandle_t inputTensor;
dwDNN_getInputTensorProperties(&inputProps, inputIndex, dnn));
dwDNNTensor_create(&inputTensor, &inputProps, contextHandle);
dwDNNTensorHandle_t outputTensor1;
dwDNNTensorProperties outputProps1;
dwDNN_getOutputTensorProperties(&outputProps1, output1Index, dnn));
// Notice that by default, the tensor type is NVMEDIA,precision is FP16, layout is NCHWx.
// Change the properties to the format we need. Note that, in order to keep the inference
// asynchronous, only NvMedia or CUDA can be selected as output.
outputProps1.precision = DW_PRECISION_FP32;
outputProps1.numDimensions = 4U; // NCHWx has 5 dimensions. NCHW has 4.
// Finally, estimate the number of channels based on the layout formula mentioned above.
uint32_t numChannels = (outputProps1.dims[2] - 1) * x + outputProps1.dims[0];
outputProps1.dimensionSize[0] = outputProps1.dimensionSize[1];
outputProps1.dimensionSize[1] = outputProps1.dimensionSize[2];
outputProps1.dimensionSize[2] = numChannels;
outputProps1.dimensionSize[3] = outputProps1.dimensionSize[4];
dwDNNTensor_create(&outputTensor1, &outputProps1, contextHandle);
// Alternatively, if the dimensions are known in advance, the step above can be skipped and
// the dimensions can be set manually.
// Create data conditioner to convert an input image to input tensor.
dwDNNMetaData dnnMetaData;
dwDNN_getMetaData(&dnnMetaData, dnn);
dwDataConditionerHandle_t dataConditioner;
dwDataConditioner_initializeFromTensorProperties(&dataConditioner, &inputProps, 1U,
&metadata.dataConditionerParams, cudaStream,
// Create CPU tensors for outputs.
dwDNNTensorHandle_t outputTensorHost1;
dwDNNTensorProperties outputPropsHost1 = outputProps1;
dwDNNTensor_create(&outputTensorHost1, &outputPropsHost1, contextHandle);
// Create tensor streamers to stream outputs from GPU to CPU if needed
dwDNNTensorStreamerHandle_t streamer1;
dwDNNTensorStreamer_initialize(&streamer1, &outputPropsHost1, outputPropsHost1.tensorType, m_sdk);
FP32 precision.
Definition: Types.h:152
struct dwDataConditionerObject * dwDataConditionerHandle_t
Handle to a DataConditioner.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDataConditioner_initializeFromTensorProperties(dwDataConditionerHandle_t *const obj, dwDNNTensorProperties const *const outputProperties, uint32_t const maxNumImages, dwDataConditionerParams const *const dataConditionerParams, cudaStream_t const stream, dwContextHandle_t const ctx)
Initializes a DataConditioner module.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getOutputTensorProperties(dwDNNTensorProperties *const tensorProps, uint32_t const blobIndex, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Gets the output tensor properties at blobIndex.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getInputTensorProperties(dwDNNTensorProperties *const tensorProps, uint32_t const blobIndex, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Gets the input tensor properties at blobIndex.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_getMetaData(dwDNNMetaData *const metaData, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Returns the metadata for the associated network model.
Specifies TensorRT model header.
Definition: DNN.h:68
uint32_t numDimensions
Number of dimensions of the tensor.
Definition: Tensor.h:111
dwDNNTensorType tensorType
Tensor type.
Definition: Tensor.h:103
dwDNNTensorLayout tensorLayout
Tensor layout.
Definition: Tensor.h:105
uint32_t dimensionSize[DW_DNN_TENSOR_MAX_DIMENSIONS]
Dimensions of the tensor to match the selected layout type.
Definition: Tensor.h:119
struct dwDNNTensorObject * dwDNNTensorHandle_t
Handles representing Deep Neural Network interface.
Definition: Tensor.h:57
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_create(dwDNNTensorHandle_t *const tensorHandle, dwDNNTensorProperties const *const properties, dwContextHandle_t const ctx)
Creates and allocates resources for a dwDNNTensorHandle_t based on the properties.
CUDA tensor.
Definition: Tensor.h:68
CPU tensor.
Definition: Tensor.h:66
Planar tensor. This is the most common tensor layout.
Definition: Tensor.h:81
Specifies DNNTensor properties.
Definition: Tensor.h:99

Convert DNN input from image to tensor, then perform DNN inference and stream results back. All operations are performed asynchronously with the host code.

// Run data conditioner to get input tensor
dwRect rois[1]{0U, 0U, imageWidth, imageHeight};
dwDataConditioner_prepareData(inputTensor, &inputImage, 1, rois,
cudaAddressModeClamp, dataConditioner);
// Begin DNN inference in the currently selected CUDA stream.
dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t inputs[1U] = {inputTensor};
dwDNNTensorHandle_t outputs[1U] = {outputTensor1};
dwDNN_infer(outputs, inputs, dnn);
// Stream results from GPU to CPU
dwDNNTensorStreamer_producerSend(outputTensor1, streamer1);
dwDNNTensorStreamer_consumerReceive(&outputTensorHost1, streamer1);
// Work on received output tensors.
void* data1;
dwDNNTensor_lock(&data1, outputTensorHost1);
// Return streamed tensors.
dwDNNTensorStreamer_consumerReturn(&outputTensorHost1, streamer1);
dwDNNTensorStreamer_producerReturn(nullptr, 1000, streamer1);
Defines a rectangle.
Definition: Types.h:203
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDataConditioner_prepareData(dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorOutput, dwImageHandle_t const *const inputImages, uint32_t const numImages, dwRect const *const rois, cudaTextureAddressMode const addressMode, dwDataConditionerHandle_t const obj)
Runs the configured transformations on an image.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_infer(dwDNNTensorHandle_t *const outputTensors, uint32_t const outputTensorCount, dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t *const inputTensors, uint32_t const inputTensorCount, dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Runs inference pipeline on the given input.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_unlock(dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
Unlocks the tensor, enabling other threads to lock the tensor and modify the content.
struct dwDNNTensorObject const * dwConstDNNTensorHandle_t
Definition: Tensor.h:58
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_lock(void **const data, dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
Locks the tensor and retrieves pointer to the data with write access.

Finally, free previously allocated memory.

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDataConditioner_release(dwDataConditionerHandle_t const obj)
Releases the DataConditioner module.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNN_release(dwDNNHandle_t const network)
Releases a given network.
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwDNNTensor_destroy(dwDNNTensorHandle_t const tensorHandle)
Destroys the tensor handle and frees any memory created by dwDNNTensor_create().