EGLdevice Driver Loading Instructions

This section describes driver loading instructions to run EGLdevice samples.

Note: Ensure that no other Graphic samples are running on the target.
  1. Load following driver modules:
    sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/opensrc-disp/nvidia.ko rm_firmware_active="all"
    sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/opensrc-disp/nvidia-modeset.ko
    sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/opensrc-disp/nvidia-drm.ko modeset=1
  2. Change to the sample directory:
    cd /opt/nvidia/drive-linux/samples/opengles2/bubble/egldevice
  3. Note: This step only applies to OOBE-RFS filesystems.
    Start the sample as root user:
    #./bubble -windowsize 1920 1080 -sec 15

These instructions are applicable to other EGLdevice samples. For other RFS and samples binaries, compile in the host using the make command and copy the entire sample directory into the target.

If you want to run X11 samples, remove nvidia_drm module (#rmmod nvidia_drm) and refer to To Start the X Server.