Configuration File Entries

Declarations consist of attribute/value pairs. The configuration file format is:

  • [meta]—(optional) Specifies CFG metadata.
  • <attr>=<val>—Specifies attribute/value pairs for the device.
  • [device n]—(required) Specifies a mass-storage device.
  • <attr>=<val>—Specifies attribute/value pairs for the device.
  • [partition]—Specifies a partition in the current device.
  • <attr>=<val>—Specifies attribute/value pairs for the partition.
  • # - comments

Mandatory configuration file entries are:

  • Device type.
  • Partition for the device partition table.
  • Partition for the OS image.
  • Partition for the kernel.
  • Partition for the boot loader.
  • BCT partition for the boot configuration table.
  • Size of partition, which can be the exact file size being programmed in bytes provided it be erase_block size aligned for the flash. However, to minimize changes to partition sizes in the CFGpartition, it is recommended to set the partition size in the CFG file greater than actual file size to be flashed in the partition.

The partition size always aligns to the erase block size.