Finalize DRIVE AGX Orin System Setup
Instructions for connecting a terminal emulator to the platform are in the NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK Developer Guide sections "Using tcu_muxer" and "Terminal Emulation." You can connect the Developer Kit using the following command:
sudo minicom -w -D /dev/ttyACM(0/1)
Accept EULA and Set Admin Username/Password.
See the the NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK Developer Guide section on "DRIVE OS Linux oem-config" for more information on these prompts. (This is only needed for the first boot out of the box, and does not apply to SDK Manager or Docker flashed systems, unless persistent data is cleared.)
Select SSH Profile and Other Setup Options.
DRIVE OS Linux provides two profiles for security setup (including SSH): an NVIDIA enhanced security profile that uses ECDSA-based algorithms for SSH security, or stock Ubuntu 20.04 configuration. The customer must select the profile on the first setup screen. Both profiles will enable SSH server in the target by default.
The user can follow the other prompts after SSH profile selection to install additional users; see the NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK Developer Guide section on "DRIVE OS Linux oem-config" for more information [not prompted if already set on DRIVE OS Linux first flashing]. After these prompts are completed, the platform will boot to the prompt to enter the username.
option, the new login and password is not set on the target on flashing, and the
expected system configuration screens do not appear. You can still add/delete user
logins or change passwords using the information in the NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK Developer Guide section on "DRIVE OS User Management."sudo
for the following commands: