Download The CUDA Production Release Download The CUDA Pre-Production Release

Revolutionary GPU Computing

NVIDIA® CUDA™ technology is a fundamentally new computing architecture that enables the GPU to solve complex computational problems in consumer, business, and technical applications. CUDA technology gives computationally intensive applications access to the tremendous processing power of NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs) through a revolutionary new programming interface. Providing orders of magnitude more performance and simplifying software development by using the standard C language, CUDA technology enables developers to create innovative solutions for data-intensive problems. For advanced research and language development, CUDA includes a low level assembly language layer and driver interface.


Complete Install Packages Including Documentation

The CUDA SDK individual sample packages are available here.

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.x

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.x

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.x

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.x

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for OpenSUSE

[Download x86, x86-64] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for OpenSUSE

[Download] CUDA SDK version 1 for Linux (release notes).

[Download x86, x86-64] Linux Display Driver version 100.14 for CUDA Toolkit version 1

[Download] CUDA 1 Linux Release Notes

Linux Cluster

[Download] CUDA for Rocks Cluster Management: Complete CUDA Rocks Roll with driver, toolkit, and SDK (MD5 checksum)

[Download] CUDA for Rocks Cluster User Guide


[Download] CUDA Toolkit version 1 for Windows XP (32-bit)

[Download] CUDA SDK version 1 for Windows XP (32-bit)

[Download] Windows Display Driver version 162.01 for CUDA Toolkit version 1

[Download] CUDA 1 windows Release Notes

CUDA Tools

[Download] CUDA Occupancy Calculator v1.2 (.xls)

The CUDA Occupancy Calculator is a programmer tool that allows you to compute the multiprocessor occupancy of a GPU by a given CUDA kernel. The multiprocessor occupancy is the ratio of active warps to the maximum number of warps supported on a multiprocessor of the GPU, and is helpful in determining how efficient the kernel will be on the GPU.


[Download] CUDA Programming Guide 1.0 (revision history)

[Download] CUDA CUBLAS Library 1.0

[Download] CUDA CUFFT Library 1.0