Application Completed - Nsight Visual Studio Edition Registered Developer Program
Thank you for completing your application to join the Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition Registered Developer Program.
Please WAIT to access the Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition Registered Developer Program until you receive an email with the subject "Welcome to NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition RDP" that confirms your application status. You should receive this email within the next few minutes.
Once approved, you will have free access to the Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition Registered Developer Program where you can get latest versions of Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition, file bug reports, send feedback and requests, read latest news, and get invitations to exclusive events.
Download the latest version of Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition using this direct link (available once approved).
For more information on the Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition Registered Developer Portal, go here.