NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics 2018.5 is released with the following changes:

  • New Support: Turing GPU Support
    • Range Profiler now supports Turing based GPUs
    • GPU Trace activity now supports Turing based GPUs
  • New Feature: Copy Engine Visualization in GPU Trace
    • Visualize the Copy Engine activity within a GPU Trace Capture
  • New Feature: Export Range Profiler Data to CSV
    • Three new modes for exporting metrics data from the range profiler!
  • Improved: Includes several bug fixes and application compatibility fixes

For more details and known issues, please see the full release notes!

For an overview of Nsight™ Graphics and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight™ Graphics page.

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics 2018.5 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.

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