NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics 1.2 is released with the following changes:

  • New Platform: Nsight Graphics for Linux (Beta)
    • Supports OpenGL debugging and profiling
    • Support Vulkan debugging
    • Nsight Graphics for Linux subsumes and expands upon nearly all of the functionality of NVIDIA's previous Linux Graphics Debugger
    • Launching now in Beta, the full release will include improved launch and attach functionality
  • New Feature: User-Configurable Memory Viewer
    • Applies an automatic structure to resources when context is available
    • Allows for full customization of structured user types
    • Allows for customization of the columns displayed
    • Built-in help to explain how to use the view.
  • New Feature: C++ Capture Support for DXR applications
  • Improved: Full support for RS2 D3D12 SDK
  • Improved: Includes several bug fixes and application compatibility fixes
  • Changed: updated privacy policy; see https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/about-nvidia/privacy-policy/

Nsight Graphics for Linux

New in version 1.2 are builds for Nsight Graphics that support Linux. Nsight Graphics for Linux subsumes all of the functionality of NVIDIA's previous Linux Graphics Debugger .

This version supports :

  • OpenGL 4.x debugging, profiling, and live shader editing
  • Vulkan 1.1 debugging

Supported distributions:

  • Ubuntu v16.04
  • Redhat v7.2
  • Centos v7.4
  • Fedora 25

User Configurable Memory Viewer

Users now have the capability of configuring the memory view to support user-defined structures.

For an overview of Nsight™ Graphics and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight™ Graphics page.

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics 1.2 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.

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